Bee Movie Netflix

One Netflix User Watched ‘Bee Movie’ 357 Times This Year, What Did You Do?

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Your Netflix viewer history can be a very personal thing. We’re not all proud of everything we’ve spent our time watching. Unless it was Bee Movie 357 times, then that’s something to be damn proud of.

You’re probably familiar with Bee Movie, which has spawned many an internet meme and a (clearly) dedicated following. You may recall such gems as this:

Well, according to the cheeky stats shared in Netflix’s 2017 ‘Year in Review’, one UK user has watched the 2007 DreamWorks classic 357 times this year. It’s unknown whether that’s a once a day kind of set up of just a solid three weeks of non-stop Bee Movie. Either way, we are damn impressed.

Especially since the average Netflix user apparently only streamed around 60 films in 2017 (weak), this Bee Movie stan is really someone special.

In the spirit of revealing bizarre viewing habits from 2017, the Netflix 2017 report also shared that one user has watched Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 365 days in a row. That is dedication. It’s like a Snapchat streak between this user and this mediocre film and they’re just not willing to let go. You do you buddy.

Meanwhile, the new Netflix favourite is obviously A Christmas Prince, and from what Netflix has shared and the pure quality of that film I’m sure we will be seeing it in the 2018 report.

They probably keep coming back to A Christmas Prince looking for answers to the many questions you’re bound to have when watching this glorious trashbag of a film. Well, real talk – there are no answers. It’s perfect.

Happy streaming friends. Remember, Netflix is always watching.