Episode 7 Of ‘Married At First Sight’ Retold Through Its Funniest Tweets
Tonight’s ep of Married at First Sight was a bit of a mash-up. It was like a left-over pavlova of couples getting hitched and the rest heading off on their honeymoons.
We met young and hot people Blair and Sean. Blair seems like our kind of gal. Her passions include sex and burgers, so we think we’ve met our soul sister. Sean has the face of a baby and the hair of a 14 year-old-boy and he seems nice enough.
We rejoined the rest of the couples as they headed off on their honeymoons. Rich dude Justin got sent to tropical Vanuatu, which seems like a missed opportunity for D.R.A.M.A. Luckily he brought it himself by acting like a total tool, ignoring his bride and losing his wedding ring.
In hot competition for the douche of the ep was Troy, who just acted fucking bizarre. I am deeply concerned for both him and his wife Ashley, as he is clearly an alien living inside human skin.
Aside from that, John and Melissa broke up, then made up and Nasser and Gabrielle continued to be adorbs. Everything that went down was delightfully roasted on Twitter. Never change, you funny fuckers.
Here’s episode 7 of Married at First Sight, as retold through its funniest tweets:
Sean looks like a man baby with spiky hair that belongs in a 90’s boy band.
So we have another one who is up himself 200 women. Let's fix that hair you're 34 not 14 year old Bieber #MAFS
— Jess (@JessMc861) February 6, 2018
Sean’s hair is…something. #mafs pic.twitter.com/V1WdosUqw1
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) February 6, 2018
Sean's hairdresser: #MAFS pic.twitter.com/UNEVmrcPsC
— sachbrush (@sachbrush) February 6, 2018
Are Sean and Eddie Perfect the same person? #MAFS
— Sarah Anderson (@_SarahKAnderson) February 6, 2018
#MAFS pic.twitter.com/aer1P8ZgKu
— William Hill Aus (@WillHillAus) February 6, 2018
Blair and Sean made a match made in, well… any pub on a Friday night.
Sean and Blair … a match made in …….. a seedy bar? #MAFS
— skitch (@skitch3000) February 6, 2018
The two sex addicts should be a good match ???????? #mafs
— Mick (@MDosNK) February 6, 2018
Troy and Ashley’s names together make TRASH lmao #MAFS
— Amber (@awlawrence_) February 6, 2018
Troy acted like a total weirdo, doing push-ups so he could “eat better”, then taking his wife to a crocodile park because umm..DANGER.
Troy's going to really hurt himself one day the way he power grooms himself with such wild abandon. (hopefully) #mafs
— Luce (@LooseeRose) February 6, 2018
Troy has to be an experiment within the experiment hasn’t he? #MAFS
— Dave (@sportluvr64) February 6, 2018
*inside the croc enclosure*
Ashley: That's so scary.
Troy: I've got you babe.
Ashley: I meant you.
#MAFS— sachbrush (@sachbrush) February 6, 2018
Who here hopes the crocodile gets to Troy? ????????♂️ #MAFS
— Alex Lucifero (@Alexander92DC) February 6, 2018
Theory: Troy is a paid actor. He was invited to be on #mafs as a sort of elaborate troll as a statement on millennial narcissism and the contrived nature of reality TV, to take it to even more OTT levels. We're through the looking glass here, people… pic.twitter.com/bo3A1hOi0g
— Bianca Bae (✿◠‿◠) ???? (@BiancaNeveXO) February 6, 2018
John and Melissa were going well until they broke up…for like 2 minutes.
Just don’t mention you were hoping for Polynesian, and you’ll be right Melissa. #MAFS
— Alex Lucifero (@Alexander92DC) February 6, 2018
Melissa: 'So what was it being like with Deb?'
John: #mafs pic.twitter.com/EfKpY8SPWc
— Bianca Bae (✿◠‿◠) ???? (@BiancaNeveXO) February 6, 2018
#MAFS mood when Mel tells John she’s feeling too much pressure pic.twitter.com/B3kneBTkRP
— MellyMiu (@MelyK83) February 6, 2018
— Nicko (@NickoToGo) February 6, 2018
Justin proved to be a selfish knob on his honeymoon with Carly.
Justin wearing Qantas business class PJs. Yes, we know you're an entrepreneur. We know you fly business class. Are you validated yet? #mafs #9Married
— Ren (@renata_pirata) February 6, 2018
Really wish they had sent Justin on an economy flight to Gladstone #MAFS
— Merryn Porter (@Merryn_Porter) February 6, 2018
#mafs when Justin looks at Carly pic.twitter.com/2t5MNiPGdh
— Gary Graham (@Gaz_70) February 6, 2018
I think Ashley’s super happy she’s a flight attendant so won’t be around much… #mafs pic.twitter.com/LqXg0bomlh
— Hannah Ferrier (@hannahferrier_) February 6, 2018
Nasser and Gabrielle were GOALS, as Gabs told her new hubby about her alopecia and he took it like a champ.
Me, watching Gabrielle & Nasser… #MAFS pic.twitter.com/DZCUNbAsIM
— Ms Miranda Meow Meow (@miranda_maybe) February 6, 2018
Awwwwwwwww Nasser !!!! ????!! #MAFS pic.twitter.com/ETnPv9jdOj
— Craigy (@McCraigyDimples) February 6, 2018
Nasser = wonderful #MAFS pic.twitter.com/F53UO8FxyB
— Bee ♡ (@beezzh) February 6, 2018
Good on Nasser. I can imagine some of the other guys on #mafs totally freaking out. I’m not saying Dean, but Dean.
— Mike Ski (@itsMikeSki) February 6, 2018