married at first sight funny tweets

The Best Tweets From ‘MAFS’ Dinner Party: Cyclone Cyrell Edition

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On tonight’s episode of Married at First Sight Cyrell did not come to play, going in on Jessika over her interest in married contestant Dan.

The final scenes in the episode were intense as hell. There was yelling, arms waving in the air and a walk out, and no this wasn’t part two of Billy’s breakup speech.

There’s an awful lot to get through so let’s go through it all in funny tweets, shall we!

The best tweets from tonight’s MAFS dinner party trashfire:

Let’s be real we’re only here for dinner party and Cyrell unleashing on Jess.

Meeting up outside of the dinner, Dan and Jess shared another dirty pash.

Cyrell announced to the entire room that Jess said she wanted to bed Dan.

That was…a lot.

The next commitment ceremony is going to be a shitshow.

Watch our Married At First Sight recap of the dinner party episode right now!

5 Things You Missed On MAFS – Episode 28

Here's 5 things you missed on tonight's Married At First Sight Australia??More lols:

Posted by Punkee on Wednesday, 13 March 2019