I Tried The Wizz Fizz Cream Egg & Decided We Should Cancel Easter Indefinitely
Easter is still a few months away, but while perusing my local supermarket I noticed an Easter egg for sale that I’ve never seen before: the Wizz Fizz Cream Egg. What is this sorcery? I had to find out.
I personally love the nostalgia brought about of the old days of guzzling down Wizz Fizz at primary school, so I had a lot of questions.
Would this egg take me back to my childhood of shovelling the sugary crystals into my mouth? Would I bite into the egg and my mouth would fill with powder until I start frothing uncontrollably?
Would the Wizz Fizz egg be my demise?

It must be said that a lot of these imitations of my beloved Cadbury Creme Eggs have been awful. My hopes were high but my standards were low.
Here is the egg! Very trippy and colourful but maybe trying too hard. It looks how Tame Impala’s music sounds.

Upon my first bite, I felt a surprising sensation.
“IT’S DOING THINGS IN MY MOUTH,” I shouted to no one.
It turns out the inside is loaded with popping candy and my whole mouth wouldn’t stop tingling.

Once the popping stopped ringing in my ears, I could focus on the actual taste of the egg. Firstly, the inside is quite solid and not gooey and flowing like the caramel centre of a Creme Egg.
It’s soft enough to bite into but it’s very thick and claggy to chew on.
Now onto the taste. Umm so it’s kind of sour but also really creamy and rich simultaneously. And it leaves a rather gross taste in your mouth. I do not stan.

Not going to lie, I struggled to finish it. It’s very intense but not in a good way. I could have used one of those tiny shovels to get through it all tbh.
How this egg would dare to take the same form as my beloved Cadbury Creme Egg is an actual travesty.
I can safely say I will never eat the Wizz Fizz egg again and Easter has gone too far.