
Yes, A Rollercoaster In Perth Keeps Giving People Orgasms

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There’s a rollercoaster in Perth called Bounty’s Revenge and it’s making headlines for the best reasons: It keeps wanking off its riders.

Once nestled in the unsuspecting realm of the Adventure World theme park in Bibra Lake, was a humble little pirate ship. It was adorned with skulls and crossbones and splashed with vibrant purple paint, welcoming in around 80 passengers per ride. 

It’s a classic ship swing, hurling punters from left to right, drumming up ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ from those on board. …Which I thought was a wholesome reaction, but apparently things were a little saucier than they appeared to be. 

You see, there’s a moment of sweet inertia which occurs right at the moment Bounty’s Revenge reaches its apex – where you’re suspended in the air, weightless, before the surge of pure, unadulterated force hits you on your descent. 

Or, as we now know it to be: the moment people on Bounty’s Revenge are climaxing.

Toni Lodge (Perth-born author and co-host of the hilarious podcast Toni & Ryan) outed herself as a very happy customer of Bounty’s Revenge this week. She shared that the ride did indeed make her “fanny feel weird”. 


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While she couldn’t put into words why this feeling was so damn good, I can. This sensation is a mix of two things: pressure and edging. 

Pressure orgasms are an established pillar of the orgasm committee, and they refer to the pleasure that comes from force applying to sensitive areas. This force can be constant, varied, stopped and started again and again, but probably the most *famous* of the pressure play techniques is your old pal dry humping. That sensation of a jean-clad thigh rubbing against your genitals is dabbling in the pressure orgasm space. Makes it seem a lot more high-brow, huh?

Then you have edging. Most probably know this term already, but for those who weren’t listening at the back, here’s the tea. Edging is a way to build up sexual tension and desire by getting close to climax before abruptly stopping – making it a big old tease. 

The combo of these two is what Toni was likely feeling *down there* during her sesh on Bounty’s Revenge – getting a wave of pressure on the descent and then pausing the pleasure at the top. Genius orgasm curation.

And if you think that Toni is the only one to feel this, then you’d be wrong. She actually asked listeners of the pod if anyone else had felt sensations of a similar kind, and responses flooded in thanking the trusty Bounty’s Revenge for unlocking new ~feelings~ for them.

“Perth girl here … can confirm this is accurate,” one stated.

“The reason I knew what Toni was going to say before she said it is the same reason I also loved Bounty’s Revenge as a teenager,” another shared.

And perhaps my favourite response of all: “I GOT MY FIRST BONER ON BOUNTYS REVENGE.”

Unfortunately for anyone hoping to take a ride on this particular pirate ship, the rollercoaster was actually closed down for good in 2016. After it was announced that the ride was being discontinued, WA Today actually covered the devastating news.

“Bounty’s Revenge, the swinging boat ride that thrilled visitors for 30 years, has been removed,” they reported, never knowing the double entendre that lurked within their words. 

Image credits: Adventure World Park Review, Toni & Ryan