IT’S OVER: ‘Married At First Sight’s’ Sharon And Nick Have Broken Up & It Hurts Deep
The dream is officially over – reality shows can’t manufacture love. We give up.
The only couple that have stayed together since Married at First Sight wrapped up earlier this year have now officially split up.
Sharon and Nick were the sole couple to remain from the reality series after Alene and Simon recently called it quits. Now they’ve gone and ruined it all by announcing they’re going seperate ways too. Oh gawd, no.
It sounds like it was Sharon that initiated the breakup with Nick because by all reports he’s pretty torn up about his MAFS fairytale coming to an abrupt end. In an interview, he told New Idea:
“It broke my heart. I started to shake and couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” he said. “I fell hard and fast and gave it my all. It has made me lose my faith in love a little bit.”
Same Nick. Same.
Nick hasn’t appeared on Shaz’s Instagram since early June. Sharon told the magazine after moving to Melbourne from Perth to be with Nick she soon realised her feelings weren’t as strong as she’d hoped.
“I love Nick, but after moving to Melbourne eight weeks ago to be with him, I soon realised I’m not in love with him,” Sharon said.
“I’ve shed many tears over this because I really wanted it to work. I wanted the butterflies and roses — but I also needed a deeper love.”
It’s a sad state of reality television love that out of 10 couples, not a single one stuck. True love is definitely doomed. Over. Dead. RIP.