Yo-Chi nightmare date story header, credit: @nishikasharma_

The nightmare Yo-Chi date TikTok reminded me why dating in Australia sucks

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This isn’t the first time I’ve roasted Australia’s dating scene, and it probably won’t be the last. It also isn’t the first time I’ve been down a TikTok rabbit hole over some dating drama — but this one’s a little bit different.

If you’re on the Yo-Chi side of TikTok, you’ve seen that whole ‘nightmare date’ drama unfold. Honestly, I didn’t really give it much thought when I saw Phlin on my FYP, but when Yo-Chi posted a response, I had to get in on the tea.

Basically, the guy’s gone on the classic TikTok rant about a bad date, but it’s giving… fat shaming. Phlynn posted a video talking about a date he’d been on, speaking on her froyo choices — bad move, dude — calling it “a gluttonous amount of frozen yoghurt” and saying to “leave some for everyone else”, while he “rationed” (yes, that’s the exact word he used) his portions. It’s all very 2000s coded in the worst way possible.


at heart i’m just a scared little boy #yochi

♬ original sound – phlinmartin
The original Yo-Chi nightmare date storytime video, credit: @phlinmartin.

The way he speaks about his date’s general behaviour — which I thought was quite funny, she’s quirky and quotes funny memes which clearly went over his head — is also super icky. He topped it all off by complaining about having to pay for the date, and my dude, I get it. Cozzie livs and all, but come on. Trying to mask blatant fat shaming under the guise of a joke and claiming that the date was too expenno isn’t cool. When I watched the video back for a second time, I realised it was actually so much worse than I’d initially thought.

Obviously, this whole thing sucks. What’s so worrying about all this, though, is how casual and comfortable he is in ripping into her like this… publicly. He thought his take was so normal that he POSTED a video about it, expecting to be hyped up rather than called out for the disgusting way he put that poor girl on blast. Boggles my mind, tbh.

Phlynn's second response video on TikTok.
Phlynn’s second response video on TikTok, credit: @phlynnmartin.

Since the video blew up, Phlin’s been baffled by its negative reception and has followed up with another one, saying that it was “a joke” and that he didn’t expect this much backlash, he’s human, too. Being held accountable for your words — crazy, right? But also, not cool to be sending the man hate.

Paris (the date in question) has also seen the video now and I can only imagine how she must’ve felt. She’s since posted two vids explaining things from her POV and the story is even wilder.

Paris’ reaction video to Phlin’s TikTok, credit: @m3lbournegalpaz

Fast forward and Yo-Chi themselves have responded to the whole thing. They took to TikTok, using audio from Phlin’s video and filling up a massive cup of froyo, adding a tonne of toppings and ending the video with their slogan “create what makes you happy”, adding, “And FYI, we only have one size cup.” SUCH a slay. Imagine being devoured by Yo-Chi…


Replying to @ki ☆ no but seriously never judge what’s in my Yo-Chi cup 💅

♬ original sound – iloveyochi
Yo-Chi’s response to Phlin’s original storytime video, credit: @iloveyochi.

Unfortunately, I think this whole situation alludes to a much bigger problem in the dating world. Why do certain guys think it’s okay and normal to be commenting on peoples’ eating habits? The statement that Paris is “a small girl” but ate a crazy amount of froyo is one that irks me in particular. Someone’s size shouldn’t dictate how much they can or do consume, and there just shouldn’t be a judgment either way. But clearly I wasn’t aware that the froyo police existed.

Plus, Phlin thinking he’d be appealing to the ‘Yoch’ bros, is really concerning. There was a clear demographic he was speaking to, and I’m sure he thought he’d be welcomed into that Yochi date debrief community with this take.

Yo-Chi yoghurt toppings inside the store, credit: @iloveyochi.
Yo-Chi yoghurt toppings inside the store, credit: @iloveyochi.

This Yo-Chi saga is just another reason why I’m fully off dating at the moment. While silly little date stories are fun to watch, it’s not fun to bash someone for their eating preferences, especially when the whole schtick of Yo-Chi is to enjoy as much or as little of a treat as you want.

Written by Nishika Sharma, who’s Yo-Chi cup would be a shock horror to this Phlynn guy. You can follow her at @nishikasharma_ on socials.

Image credit: @iloveyochi + Punkee