A lot of young Aussies regret buying fisherman’s pants on holiday

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Who knows what goes through the minds of those still buying fisherman’s pants. While it was a big fashion trend a decade ago, I was under the impression it well and truly died shortly after.


Source: Metheo Tumblr

But no, according to the 2014 Visa Young Travellers Report, fisherman’s pants are one of the top three souvenirs young Aussie tourists regret purchasing because they “lack personal meaning” with 55% of those surveyed wishing they’d never bought them. They were closely followed by other purchase hangovers around fake DVDs (53%) and novelty t-shirts (46%). (Personally, I’ve bought novelty socks at a famous landmark and have never once regretted it.)

The report looking into the holiday spending of 18 – 29-year-old Australians, 78% of whom have been overseas, also revealed that the top three fears of the group were getting sick, losing a passport, and losing cash.

It being a Visa report, they honed in on other stats around losing cash, and revealed 78% of young Aussies have lost money while overseas due to being short-changed (more than half admitted poor haggling skills), being confused about the currency or losing a wallet. All of which probably happened while getting super loose at a European music festival, which let’s be honest, they were lucky to come out of with their lives.

It also led to 73% respondents saying it reduced their enjoyment of their trip, with one in five saying it ruined the rest of their holiday.

Written by Anna Horan @AnnaHoran

RELATED VIDEO: How to pull off Fisherman Pants