Man sitting on horse, with Tweet reading: What happened in the water?

We Regret To Inform You That Burberry Turned Adam Driver Into A Centaur

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I wish to inform you that Adam Driver has transformed from a heartthrob into a centaur – part human, part horse. (Had to Google that one.)

We’ve all discovered this via a Burberry perfume ad featuring FKA twigs (also a Burberry spokesperson), in which he runs to the ocean, swims with a horse, and then takes on part a part-horse body.

I would just love to have been in that pitch meeting. I imagine it going a little like this:

Agents: “Yes, so we’re thinking Adam Driver.”
Burberry: “Ah-huh.”
Agents: “He runs to the ocean. With a horse. He’s fast, he’s sexy, he’s fluid in the water.”
Burberry: “Ah-huh.”
Agents: “Sunshine, cross fades, Adam clutches the horse’s mane in a very manly-yet-gentle fashion. He’s… a centaur.”

According to Burberry, the ad “challenges the traditional stereotypes of masculinity, bringing together horse and man, and creating a modern myth.”

“…the campaign illustrates [illustrates? really?] the story of a man leaping into the unknown, overcoming struggles and transforming into something new, while remaining true to himself.”

Lots of tarot energy there.

It begs the question, is Adam Driver’s spirit animal a horse? Is the horse the sexiest of all the animals? Does the perfume have an equestrian bent? Because, I don’t know if the makers of the ad have been to a horse pen but they don’t exactly smell of romance.

The director says, “I wanted Hero to encapsulate modern masculinity, to play on the essence of primal human and animal instincts, channelling the duality between strength and sensitivity.”

But as is required, we will swoon over Adam Driver. (And also take the piss.)