Victorias secret

An Angel Stacking It Was The Only Relatable Part Of The Victoria’s Secret Show

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Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that the Victoria’s Secret Angels are just people too. Just extremely, extremely good-looking people who still stack it sometimes.

At this year’s Victoria’s Secret show, model Ming Xi’s heel got caught up in her elaborately flowing outfit and she took a tumble on the runway. In an essentially unsurprising turn of events, the VS model looked freakin beautiful and somehow elegant while she fell. So I guess it’s really not that relatable hey.

I mean, look at this:

¡¡Todavía hay esperanza!! Cuando yo ya me estaba haciendo a la idea de que estas chicas no eran humanas (porque no se puede ser tan alta, tan delgada, tan sonriente, con el pelo tan brillante, tan de todo…) va Ming Xi y se mete el tortazo padre… Y me devuelve la fé en los ????!! Para mi fue, sin duda, el momento más real, más humano y más normal de la noche. A mí me pones esos tacones y esa bata de cola y no alcanzo a salir entera del backstage!! Y sí, las chicas de carne y hueso nos caemos y nos levantamos. Gracias Ming por devolvernos a la realidad, aunque solo fuera durante unos segundos. @victoriassecret #vs #vsfashionshow #vs2017 #vsfashionshow2017 #mingxi #mingxifall #shesahuman

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Do they train for this moment?

She looks better falling than most of us will ever look standing still tbh

And here’s the footage of the stack. Ouch!

Xi finished her walk like a boss after getting herself up (with a little help from fellow angel Gizele Oliveira) and re-securing that epic floral headpiece. The crowd was cheering extra loud for her while she had her ‘moment’ at the end of the runway.

Clearly Ming Xi is a goddess and if anything a little stack in the Victoria’s Secret runway show just makes us love her more.