
Aussie Female Artists Unite For #LetThemStay Dedication With Farnsy Classic

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As the campaign for #LetThemStay continues to gain traction day by day across the country, some of Australia’s greatest voices have joined forces in a dedication to the campaign to stop 267 asylum seekers -including 37 babies – being removed from Australia and sent to the death-hole that is Nauru.

The video by ‘Mums 4 Refugees’ features babies and children and utilizes John Farnham‘s classic ‘Age of Reason‘ as a damn telling call-to-action for Australia- to look at what we are fucking doing to innocent people looking for a better life.

Including some of Australia’s greatest voices, vocalists in the video include Missy Higgins, Nadine Garner, Gorgi Coghlan, Verity Hunt-Ballard, Heidi Arena, Amanda Harrison, Silvie Paladino and Ajak Kwai.

Watch the video below and try to prevent your face leaking: