australian survivor simon

‘Australian Survivor’ Fans Are Celebrating Simon, An Unlikely Hero Gone Too Soon

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As Australian Survivor sprints towards the finish line, one castaway who many fans would have loved to have seen on the podium was sent packing last night. Oh sweet, scrappy Simon, we wish you had hung on a little longer.

Simon’s journey on this season’s Survivor turned the game on its head. He spent most of the season in a minority alliance of err… one, this man was just by himself. At first, Simon was alienated by his fellow Villains, as Spice Girls’ George, Shonee, and Liz plotted his demise, and then once he switched to the Heroes tribe, he once against found himself on the outs.

But Simon scraped his way through to merge, and then once individual immunity was up for grabs, he kept winning over and over again to ensure his safety. However, in last night’s domino challenge, he lost out to Matt which is where the troubles began.

Simon then made a misstep at the following tribal council by assuming Gerry was on his side when in fact Gerry had gone back to his OG alliance with George. The vote ended in a tie between Nina and Simon, then upon a revote, Simon was unanimously voted out.

It’s a sad day for Australian Survivor fans. Many of us had doubts about Simon at first, but he managed to win us all over by never giving up despite the odds literally always being stacked against him.

From him mistakenly thinking he found an immunity idol in the cookie jar, to the moment Hayley was sharing some tea and his face simply needed to get better, Simon proved to be an unexpectedly iconic addition to the cast line-up.

And who can forget his short-lived bromance with Jordie and this incredible moment…

Simon is not the hero we expected to be rooting for this season, but he’s managed to become a resounding fan favourite for his positive attitude, hilarious rivalry with George, inability to strategise with anyone, and himbo energy.

Dear Simon, you might be gone, but you’ll never be forgotten.

Viewers on Twitter are celebrating this ridiculous man:

Thank you, Simon — he might not have beaten King George, but he’s become king of our hearts.

Australian Survivor returns tonight at 7:30pm on Channel 1o and 10Play.