Punkee Investigates: Who Is Glenn From ‘Bachelor In Paradise’?

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Bachelor In Paradise has announced its full cast for the premiere episode and while we’re all stoked to see some familiar faces, there’s been one pressing question on everyone’s lips: who the F*%^ is GLENN?!

While there were some surprises in the initial lineup (Jake Ellis, back for a third shot), the person who drew a lot of commentary was Glenn Smith from Angie Kent’s season of The Bachelorette. Now your brain has been triggered to remember that season, you may remember Glenn as… the person who stood at the back a lot during rose ceremonies.

glenn smith bachelor in paradise

In case you’re still staring at this article mouthing “WHO?!” here he is, in his own words:

Now, this is all not to say Glenn won’t bring anything to the table. He’s a good looking guy from WA, which is basically every gal’s type (maybe I’m projecting again). It’s just more fun to pretend he’s some lost tourist or strange intruder who stumbled across the show and decided to make himself comfortable.

Therefore we’ve come up with a list of potential island occupations for Glenn while he’s on Bachelor In Paradise, just in case he doesn’t get any screen time:

  1. Pool boy.
  2. Island masseuse.
  3. Bartender to replace Wais, who we still miss dearly.
  4. Island gardener.
  5. Room cleaner.
  6. Hot producer.
  7. Fijian tree expert.
  8. Sunscreen applicator
  9. The person who blows up the inflatable pool devices.
  10. Osher’s hair stylist.
  11. A stray cameraman who has the job of chasing after people when they dramatically run away.
  12. Flower necklace threader.
  13. Mango daiquiri taste-tester.
  14. Rose de-thorner.
  15. Hammock tester.
  16. Boat captain for other people’s dates.
  17. Professional sunbaker.

Hey, at least Glenn can poke fun at himself.

Glenn Smith bachelor in paradise