kiki ciarran bachelor in paradise

Tonight’s Slightly Calmer ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ Retold Via The Best Tweets

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Welcome back to another night of Bachelor In Paradise, where a lot of us were still reeling from the boys’ blowout the night before.

We’re into finale week now, yet new people are popping up? I imagine poor Mia has been pacing the island sadly for weeks, watching everyone form relationships via a creepy spy hut in Fiji, and has now sauntered in only to get ready to fly back home again. Well, it’s still a free holiday I guess. Oh yeah, and Scot’s still there. Apparently.

While Conor and Mary, and Alisha and Greg are still loved up and adorable, Alex and Keira continue to have the world’s worst communication, and Jackson finally made his choice in tonight’s episode. Spoiler: he chose the curry beef Garlo’s pie.

Tonight was a little less killer, a lot more filler, so let’s get into the nitty-gritty and go through the best tweets.

Episode 10 of Bachelor In Paradise retold via the best tweets:

Kiki and Ciarran have seemed to sort things out very quickly from the night before.

Timm, however, decided it was time to up and leave Paradise and Britt went with him. Though no one seemed to notice.

Keira and Alex finally broke up… again… but they both think they dumped each other.

A new intruder enters! Welcome to the shitshow, Tall Mia.

Matt gets another date card and whisks Renee out of paradise… well, at least 50 metres further away from the accommodation anyway.

Litney and Jackson go on a mini date and we finally get to see them kiss. (That sounded less creepy in my head.)

Alex has no idea where his rose is going, and is even more confused when Cass expresses interest in him.

Alex ends up going for the friendship rose with Keira, and everyone was left shook.

Well, I need to go sleep for 24 hours. See y’all tomorrow.