Ballers: First season review

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If you’re a fan of Entourage, then Ballers is an easy sell.  This show, simply put, is Entourage for footballers.

Ballers tells the story of Spencer Strasmore (Played by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson), a former NFL star who retired early after a big collision. He’s now trying to make it in the finance market, using his sporting ties to work with footballing superstars. His right hand man, Joe Kutrel (played by Rob Corddry of Hot Tub Time Machine fame) is one of those guys who lives and breaths sport, except for the fact they have never been good at any sport whatsoever (come on we all know one). That being said, he provides plenty of laughs as he attempts to fit in with the 100kg black guys he tries to represent.

The Rock kills as Spencer Strasmore in BALLERS

The players they represent are hilarious in their own ways. Charles Green (played by Omar Benson Miller) is the player who retired early after making it big and is doing his best to settle into life in the real world, away from superstardom. Which brings me to Ricky Jerret, played by John David Washington (son of Denzel) who is, in essence, the Fev of the NFL. This playboy is loud, rich, full of himself, and hilarious. With too much money, he finds himself in heaps of trouble way too easily. And finally there’s Vernon Littlefield, played by Donovan W Carter, who is the gentle giant, just trying to please everyone, but his childhood friend and enabler, Reggie, keeps butting horns with Spencer.

Vernon and Reggie in HBO's new series

Vernon and Reggie in HBO’s new series

Look, I don’t want to give too much away because it’s the absolute pits when people do that; but in essence, the show is fast cars, fast women, money, drugs, a mint soundtrack and a hilarious, yet solid storyline. HBO has definitely nailed it with Ballers. With 25 minute episodes, they’re extremely addictive so maybe steer clear of it around exam time.

Season 1 starts on Showcase in september 2015 so keep an eye out.

This show is an easy watch, very entertaining and has The Rock driving a gorgeous Range Rover whilst singing ‘Shake it off’ at the top of his lungs. Does it get any better? I think not.