bennifer divorce

The Rumoured Demise Of Bennifer 2.0

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In January 2004, one of the biggest couples in Hollywood – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Afleck – officially called it quits. While it wasn’t the biggest shock given they called off their wedding last minute in 2003 due to “excessive media attention”, it didn’t stop us from quietly mourning what we had affectionately come to know as Bennifer

So, you can imagine the world’s surprise (and delight) when these two lovebirds reunited nearly two decades later mid 2021 and eventually tied the knot in July 2022. The couple’s reconciliation has been largely uneventful, and while we’ve all seen numerous clips and pictures of Ben looking gloomy at awards shows next to his beaming bride, we put it down to their respective personalities. Jen is the effervescent, sexy glamazon to Ben’s brooding and serious “artist”, and it works for them.

Except, maybe it doesn’t. 

Rumours have been circling for the past few months that there’s trouble in paradise, with multiple tabloids claiming that Bennifer is heading for splitsville yet again. I didn’t think too much of this, until I saw that People Magazine – whose editorial policy cites that all facts and claims are backed up by at least one reputable source – reported about the couple’s conflict and tension. Here’s what you need to know.

Ben and Jen are living separately

Not only have the two been respectively riding solo at recent appearances (the Met Gala, the Roast of Tom Brady and multiple red carpets), but they’re also living in two separate homes. People reported that Ben “has not been staying at the couple’s Los Angeles home,” instead staying in one of the couple’s other properties. While this could be due to the production schedule of his latest film The Accountant 2, it feels a bit suss that he’d relocate for the commute given InStyle Magazine added the property is “just a few miles away” from the couple’s main home.   

Ben and Jen’s different approaches to fame

People reported that one of the sources of tension for Bennifer is the couple’s differing ways of navigating popularity and public attention. 

A source shared, “They just have very different approaches when it comes to media attention. Ben hates all attention and it makes him very uncomfortable. Jennifer has always had a different approach.” 

As we saw in Jen’s absolutely bonkers Prime documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told, the woman is passionate about sharing her truth and her intense pursuit of love and acceptance. She wants to give her all to the world, flaws and all.

@itspunkee excuse me, pardon, sorry to bother you @JLO but what is going on?! #jlo #jenniferlopez #thisisme #thisismenow ♬ original sound – Punkee

In the very same doc, we hear Ben reflecting on the demise of their relationship the first time around and his discomfort in sharing his private life. 

“Getting back together, I said ‘Listen, one of the things I don’t want is a relationship on social media’, then I sort of realised that’s not a fair thing to ask. Sort of like, you’re gonna marry a boat captain and you’re like, ‘Well I don’t like the water’, you know? We’re just two people with kind of different approaches, trying to learn to compromise,” Affleck shares. 

Considering excessive media attention is what caused the ship to sink the first time around, I don’t really know what Ben was expecting from his boat captain, especially given how huge a story their reunion was. 

Some suss social media activity

Ahh, the old Instragam like. Somewhere between not wanting to talk about it and posting a motivational quote to your stories, liking a wordy Instagram post is usually the telltale sign of someone going through something

On March 19, relationship coach Lenna Marsak posted the following quote via her Instagram, @yourcourageouscomeback:

“You can’t build a relationship with someone who is disconnected from themselves. We can’t expect someone to see us when we can’t even see themselves. Getting in a relationship is the easy part. Nurturing & fostering it is a different story. After all, love is not a feeling, it’s action.”

On May 16th, Marsak revealed via her stories that Jenny from the Block (@jlo) herself had liked this post. A generous read of this would be that Jen simply agreed with the sentiment of the post in a completely objective way, but when are people ever generous to celebrities on social media? 

Staged shots of Bennifer

Nothing says “business as usual” quite like paparazzi pictures taken of you and your partner after nobody has seen you together for 47 days.

Last Thursday, the couple were spotted at Ben’s daughter’s school play, with Jen’s daughter Emme joining them and supporting her step-sis. A source told In Touch that “nothing would have stopped them coming together for the kids,” with People also adding that while the two arrived separately, “they were both seen wearing their wedding rings as they left the event.”

Then, there’s THIS.

In a photo that makes me lol hard and fast, Bennifer are pictured smiling (if you call it that, Ben?) to onlookers while pulled over in their car. Ben looks like my sleep paralysis demon and I just want to give Jen a hug. 

Ugh, guys. I don’t know. Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire, and while I’m rooting for them, my tortured poet department ass just wants Jen to find her Travis Kelce and have a love that she can share confidently with the masses. 

Watch this space I suppose. 

Written by Lil Friedmann, a staunch defender of reality television and celebrity couples. You can follow her at @lilfriedmann on socials.

Image credit: Getty+ Punkee