10 Types Of Friend That Everyone Needs In Their Life

10 Types Of Friend That Everyone Needs In Their Life

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They say it’s who you know, not what you know. And one of the best ways to make your life better is to surround yourself with beautiful friends who know more than you.

Friends: good for companionship, unconditional support and second-hand pet ownership. And beside the warm, fuzzy feelings that a good circle of platonic life partners can give you, friends can also fill certain gaps in your life.

Everyone has their own unique skill sets, from cooking without starting a fire to owning a car (it’s a skill now), and it’s important to round your friend group out with a wide variety of talents.

We’re here today to provide a comprehensive and 100% accurate guide to the 10 best friends that everyone needs in their life:

#1 Someone with a Netflix login

If you’re coasting through your TV binge weekends on the coat-tails of somebody else’s account, you’ll know how valuable they are as a friend and a person and a source of light and love in this cold and dark world.

#2 Someone with a pet

It’s almost impossible to own a dog if you live in the city, work full time, have a social life and are afraid of commitment.

The next best thing is to find a friend who has a pet and love it like your own. You get all the benefits like cuddles, unconditional love and likes on Instagram. Literally perfect.

#3 Someone with a waffle maker

Pretty self-explanatory, really.

Waffles are the best breakfast food, and waffles with friends is the best way to start the day. It’s science, probably.

#4 Someone with a dramatic love life

Some people have love lives that are so entertaining that they fill the void left by your own broken relationships and the fact that you don’t own a dog. There’s nothing more satisfying than settling in with a wine and bitching, thirsting and gossiping about their flings.

#5 Someone with a car

Public transport sucks, and sometimes you’re just too lazy to walk to brunch. We get it.

Be good to your friend with a car and reap the rewards like lifts to the shops, rides home when it’s raining and the freedom of not having to carry your beach day gear on the bus.

#6 Someone who works in a bar

Great to have at parties and boozy nights spent talking about relationships. Everyone should have a friend who can whip up an espresso martini or wet pussy shot and not destroy the kitchen in the process.

#7 Someone who works in media

One of the best ways to find out about fun things to do on the weekend is to get press releases sent to you at your media job. The second best way is to be friends with someone who gets press releases sent to them at their media job.

#8 Someone with kitchen skills

As someone who can cook three recipes and literally nothing else, I very much appreciate my friends who can cook seemingly without any risk of burning down their homes.

An invitation to dinner is the ultimate goal here, and at the very least they’ll bring fresh dips to your parties.

#9 Someone who’s a private detective

Invaluable when you have a crush. Some friends just have a superpower for finding people on social media, and they’ll be your best ally when you’re thirsty for pics or trying to find out if someone has a dog.

#10 Someone with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

It doesn’t matter what the game is, tbh. Every group needs a go-to game to play while you’re waiting for your pizza to arrive.

Even better if they let you win a round every now and then, but don’t get your hopes up.