Google Animal Search Engine

Google Goes Sesame Street: Aims At Toddlers With A New Animal Tool

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What noise does a Google make? Well, apparently a whole heap.

Because kids these days are soo0 over toys and instead opting for smartphones and tablets, Google has introduced a basic new feature. Now the young’ins can quickly and easy find the answer to their most searched for questions, like “what noise does a dog make”.

Google Animal Sounds

Google Animal Sounds

By asking Google a whole heap of animal sound related questions, or simply by typing ‘animal noises’ in to search, the kids can basically get a whole Sesame Street lesson that includes nearly 20 animals and illustrations including a zebra, ape, cat, lion, moose.. and the list goes on.

Sadly the days of the humble ‘See N Say’ are behind us… but will spin on in our nostalgic hearts forever.