Celebs React To Doomsday AKA Donald Trump Becoming 45th American President
What a day! People around the world are still in shock as despite polling and general faith in common sense prevailing, Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th President of the United States.
As we all lick our wounds and prepare for tomorrow, we’ve compiled a list of tweets that show how some of the celebrity world has reacted to the news so far.
Hillary Clinton campaign had a massive celeb following and they are grieving rn.
Here’s what the celebs are saying:
America, you have failed. What the actual fuck. Devastating. I won't recognize @realDonaldTrump as our president, ever. #dumptrucktrump
— Ariel Winter (@arielwinter1) November 9, 2016
This is how #the100 would have started, I'm pretty sure… #electionday
— Eliza Taylor (@MisElizaJane) November 9, 2016
A true American Horror Story
— Cheyenne Jackson (@cheyennejackson) November 9, 2016
Some didn't like Bush. Some didn't like Obama. But this is different. Forget dislike. Many are genuinely fearful now. This is new.
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) November 9, 2016
America just elected a man who said to "grab em by the pussy" over the first female president. This is really sad.
— Keegan Allen (@KeeganAllen) November 9, 2016
Going to bed after the worst night of my life. Hope to wake up and realise it was all just a bad audition for Inception 2. #BeamMeUpScottie
— Jason Isaacs (@jasonsfolly) November 9, 2016
Do not sit still. Do not weep. MOVE. We are not a nation that will let HATE lead us.
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016
I feel like America just sent in our tuition check for Trump University.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 9, 2016
This is an embarrassing night for America. We've let a hatemonger lead our great nation. We've let a bully set our course. I'm devastated.
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 9, 2016
well this is utterly terrifying
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) November 9, 2016
this animal is our president – i feel like puking
— Chelsea Peretti (@chelseaperetti) November 9, 2016
This election not only showed us how prevalent hatred still is, it validated it. Which is even more frightening. I'm appalled and ashamed.
— Lauren Jauregui (@LaurenJauregui) November 9, 2016
Didn't want to believe the amount of dummies this country has.
— Janelle Monáe, Cindi (@JanelleMonae) November 9, 2016
On that READ, I'm going to bed. Misery can't survive without company, don't let them take you without a fight. ❤️
— ????K E K E ???? (@KekePalmer) November 9, 2016
I do not recognize this world we live in. And I do not accept it. I do not. Nope. And nope.
— Holly Marie Combs (@H_Combs) November 9, 2016
Only light can drive out darkness! ???? LOVE HARDER
— TINASHE (@Tinashe) November 9, 2016
This election has exposed all the hatred, discrimination, racism & pain that has always existed. I hope & pray for love & change.
— Arden Cho (@arden_cho) November 9, 2016
America, you're fired.
— Josh Peck (@ItsJoshPeck) November 9, 2016
A New Fire Is Lit ???? We Never Give Up. ????We Never Give In' ???????? pic.twitter.com/CM4PAnR1nj
— Madonna (@Madonna) November 9, 2016