favourites cadbury best ranking

A Definitive Ranking Of All The Choccies In A Box Of Cadbury Favourites

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In Australia, nothing will monopolise an entire family gathering like a box of Cadbury Favourites circling the room.

Whether you simply pick the most desirable selection you see on top or plunge deep to uncover a treasure, in everyone’s mind there is a ranking system which radically differs from person to person.

The choices you make when picking a choccy in a box of Cadbury Favourites will define the rest of your life. You’re either destined for years of bad decisions (aka a Turkish Delight enjoyer) or an everyday hero headed for greatness (Crunchies FTW).

Taking everything into consideration, we have formulated our own ranking.

A Definitive Ranking Of All The Choccies In A Box Of Cadbury Favourites:

#10. Turkish Delight

Turkish Delights are the Ross Gellars of the chocolate world. Their existence on this earth is an abomination and I curse anyone who actually enjoys eating them, for they are truly terrible people and should be jailed immediately.

#9. Cherry Ripe

I like my fruit right where I can see it: in the bowl in the work kitchen, which I never touch. Cherry Ripes are total buzzkills. No one asked for this. No thank you.

#8. Dream

White chocolate is not chocolate. Dream is a waste of space. No offence but it’s true.

#7. Moro

We all know that Moro Bars are just shit Mars Bars. Don’t get it twisted, Cadbury. Stop trying so hard to be a Mars Bars, it’s embarrassing.

#6. Flake

Don’t get me wrong, Flakes are… fine. But everyone should know that Flakes are simply unfinished Twirls.

#5. Boost

I certainly wouldn’t kick these logs of caramel and nuts out of a party. Boosts are always welcome, even if they weren’t on the guest list.

#4. Dairy Milk

It would be rude for me not to acknowledge the glue that holds this crazy family together: the simple Dairy Milk choccy bar. The OG and one of the best.

#3. Picnic

Now we’re cooking! Picnics are one of my fave choccy bars ‘cos they combine everything good in this world: nuts, caramel, wafer. What’s not to love? Short answer: nothing.

#2. Crunchie

You just know you’ve hit the jackpot if you get more than three Crunchies in one box. They’re just the best. Honeycomb fixes all of life’s problems. Fact.

#1. Caramello

Caramel + Chocolate = the greatest food pairing of all time. No arguments.