dog resume

This Doggo’s Resume Will Make You Hire Him As A Qualified Good Boy

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Ahead of celebrating National Dog Day tomorrow, Twitter user Megan Frantz tweeted a hilarious resume that her boyfriend created for their dog Mowgli, hoping to find a temporary foster family.

It’s a very thorough CV and in all seriousness, he looks like an excellent candidate.

Some of the pupper’s skillz include:

– Taught Venezuelan family intermediate borking, including complex phrases such as ‘bork’ and ‘BORK.’

– Demonstrated a complete dedication to snoozing. Left no soft surface without being slept on.

– Provided thought leadership on nuanced topics such as belly-rubs and nose boops. Increased belly-rubs by 30%.


He lists some of his weaknesses as: cats, wanting to hump small dogs and “loving you too much”. Aww!


I can say with 100 percent certainty that any company would be lucky to have such a good boy.

Mowgli, you’re hired.