DROP EVERYTHING: UNiDAYS Is Giving Away $1000 Spending Money
Living the student life usually includes wanting to spend a whole lot of money but never having a whole lot of money to spend. It’s an unfortunate paradox.
Between stressing about doing work, proceeding to not do work, pretending you know what you’re talking about and rushing to meet deadlines, you’d think that there wouldn’t be much time to daydream about food and material goods, but you would be WRONG. Buying shit is at the forefront of our minds at all times.
So UNiDAYS is doing students a solid and giving away $1000 worth of gift vouchers to spend on brands like THE ICONIC, Apple, Sephora and Domino’s. Whether you’re in uni, TAFE, or high school, if doing a learn is part of your official lifestyle, then you could be doing a shop reallllll soon. You just need to join UNiDAYS and pray the universe sends good fortune your way.
Imagine the things you could buy. $1000 means you could actually afford those clothes you’ve been eyeing off at THE ICONIC or the Apple upgrade you’ve been hanging out for. Or you know that feeling when you walk into Sephora and want pretty much every damn thing? Well, imagine if you could actually afford to purchase it all? And finally, do you know what $1000 could get you at Domino’s? About 100 pizzas!!! That’s sure to last a few weeks at least!!!
Get around it my fellow learners, there is nothing not to like about free money. Just go here and sign up – it’s that easy to enter.
(Lead image: Wolf Of Wall Street/Paramount Pictures)