#FrozenPants – The Best Trend To Come Out Of The Cold

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It’s a ghoul! It’s a ghost! No – it’s people freezing their pants in ridiculous positions because what else are you supposed to do when it’s THAT cold!?

Citizens of Twitter in Japan, the USA and Canada have taken part in the new trending online joke. Some have even gone to include the top half of their clothing so it looks as though there is an invisible person walking through the snow, or up the stairs in some cases.

However, some claim that this isn’t a recent trend. One particular American from Minneapolis, Tom Grotting told America’s ABC News that he had been entertaining his neighbours with the cool trick for a few years now. He was quick to add that he kids, in particular his daughter, are now embarrassed by the display.

“[The kids] hate it… My daughter is in the band and had a big rehearsal with the trumpet players and she texted me and said, ‘Dad, the trumpets saw the pants’.”

But the results are in, and we don’t think this is going to be a trend that we can just let go