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GHOST TALES: These Dating Horror Stories Will Scare The Pants Back On You

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As another Halloween comes and goes, we’ve put together the scariest ghost stories to terrify you into the spirit.

But by ghost stories, we mean tales of ghosting, of being ghosted, or even the classic disappearing act on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble. I hate to say it, but sometimes it’s nicer to ghost than to reveal what you’re really thinking, which is pretty much:

“I have no interest in being in your physical company ever again. In my mind, you have died. I attended your funeral. Farewell forever.”

Here are some spooky ghost stories to freak you out this Halloween!

The cursed photo

“I met a guy on Bumble and we hit it off right away. We soon moved from Bumble to becoming Facebook friends. This was when my Mum thought it was a perfect time to tag me in a photo she took of me. Which would usually be fine but she did one of those panoramic photos that stretched me out and made me look huge while all the people around me looked like little stick figures.
I basically looked like a Godzilla! Shortly after the photo was posted, the guy cancelled the date and stopped returning my messages. He never said anything about the photo but I KNOW IT WAS BECAUSE OF THE PHOTO. Thanks a lot, Mum!” – Courtney

The toothless monster

“I matched with a guy on Tinder once who was absolutely stunning. I’m talking beautiful face, nice body, great hair. The only thing was that in every photo he was smiling with his mouth shut (which is fine, I do that all the time too).
I was on the verge of meeting up with him when he asked me to Skype with him one night. His gorgeous face popped up on the screen and he started talking and that’s when I saw it. He was missing all his front teeth! What 24-year-old guy wouldn’t be spending every pay check to get that fixed? I ghosted him from then on!” – Anon

The creep at the drive-in

“One of my first dates was with this older guy (I was 17 and he was 24), he picked me up and we went to the drive-in cinema to see Shrek 3. Halfway through the movie he complains about how uncomfortable his jeans were. I was like ‘okay, cool,’ and didn’t think anything of it, and kept watching the movie.
I look back to the driver’s seat to find the dude totally naked. I mean from head to toe. I quickly said ‘uh, I’ve got to go to the toilet’ and jumped out of the car and never looked back. I got my Mum to pick me up out the front and I never saw him again!” – Bec

The morph man

“I had one date with this guy who I met on OKCupid, which was cool. Then one night on Facebook we were chatting and got onto the subject of kink and fetishes (which I’m totally open with), but this dude was something else.
He had a major fetish for wearing various fabrics (Satin, Lycra, etc). He then disclosed to me that his ultimate fantasy was to have sex with me wearing this white morph suit he had bought. I’m talking head to toe white lycra! I didn’t really fancy having sex with Slender Man, so I ghosted that situation real quick.” – Dean

The faceless catfish

“I was speaking to this guy on Tinder and he wanted to meet for a date straight away. I wasn’t even sure if I was keen, because his pics were pretty blurry. I asked to add him on Facebook first. He refused, saying he doesn’t add strangers from dating apps. I said that’s fine but I won’t be meeting him.
After weeks and weeks he finally added me on Facebook. I checked out his photos and he looked like a totally different person. He messaged me asking about our date. I ignored him. He still messages me on both Facebook and Tinder to follow up on our date. Hell no!” – Sharn

The awkward encounter

“I had been talking to this dude on Tinder for a while, and we had planned to meet up a bunch of times but I am a flaky bitch and he didn’t get the hint. Anyway, I just ghosted him. Stopped replying to his messages, then unmatched him and blocked his number.

A month goes by and I am at drinks with some workmates and suddenly this guy walks into the pub and I had a moment of ‘oh damn, this person looks hauntingly familiar,’ followed by, ‘FUCK THAT’S THE GUY I NEVER MET BUT GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF.’ As you’d imagine, I died inside. The interaction was awkward and I’ve truly never recovered.” – Anon

The bad kisser

“So this one time I was at a pub with some friends of friends, and I’d been flirting with this guy for a while. Eventually he suggested that we get out of there, and I agreed. As soon as we were on the street he grabbed my hand and sprinted into traffic and across a very busy road. When we reached the other side there was a bus stop by the road, and he pushed me down onto the bench and started making out with me, except really badly. Like, chewing on the side of my face? Truly bad. At this point, it’s like 6pm and there are still families about on the street and other people at the bus stop.

I pulled away and was like ‘dude, let’s not do this here’. He looked at me very solemnly and was like ‘we could go back to mine, but I don’t really have a bed frame at the moment and my roommate will be home.’ And I was like, ‘uh, you know what, don’t even worry — I actually have to go’. So I just up and ghosted… but he’ll still occasionally tag me in stuff on Facebook or message me on my birthday.” – Anon

*Immediately deletes all my dating apps and watches Texas Chainsaw Massacre to recover*