BB8 Droid

Soon You’ll Be Able To Use ‘The Force’ To Control Your Very Own BB-8 Droid

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens has truly awoken the geek in a lot of its fans, with all kinds of ridiculous merch hitting stores. One of the big toy successes to come out of the new film is this remote control BB-8 droid which is about to become a whole lot cooler.

BB-8 Droid

It was announced at CES 16 (the Consumer Electronics Showearlier today that the toy fun-machine released by Sphero will soon be paired with a motion sensor wristband that tracks your hand movements, thus allowing users to control their BB-8 using THE MOTHER-FLIPPIN’ FORCE.


The prototype is basically a wearable Wii remote that’s designed to sit on your wrist and read which way you’re moving. As a result of this miraculous breakthrough, you’ll be able to impress all ya mates with your sweet Jedi skills as BB-8 rolls around to your commands in realtime.

Star Wars BB8 Motion Sensor

The wearable motion tracker (via Gizmodo)

The bad news is that this thing isn’t quite a reality yet. The wristband is still a prototype, so it might be a while until will have ‘The Force’ in our hands / on our wrists. That being said, Gizmodo got to have a play at CES 16 and released a full preview of it on their site. Check it out below:


Images via Gizmodo.