'00s home and away storylines

12 Of The Most Batshit Insane Storylines From ’00s Home & Away

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Home and Away is one of the most iconic shows of ALL TIME and that’s just a damn fact.

Gracing our screens in 1988, it’s basically an Aussie rite of passage to grow up watching the show and pretending, you too, could one day be a hot, blonde, tanned surfer.

Or maybe that was just me.

While it’s still popular to this day, there’s no denying the ’00s delivered us some epic and truly unbelievable H&A storylines. We could be here all day if we went through them all, so we’ve decided to pick out some of the more iconic moments of the show.

Here are 12 Of The Most Batshit Insane Storylines From ’00s Home and Away:

#1. Tasha washing up to Summer Bay and only knowing Pig Latin

Image result for Tasha pig latin summer bay

Fun fact: This was Isabel Lucas’ first acting gig, so Tasha not being able to communicate properly was all part of the ploy to get Isabel used to being on set and acting.

And OK, she didn’t technically “wash up” like a lost mermaid from H20: Just Add Water, but she did jump into the ocean at the first sight of a human when she was strolling along the beach taking in her new surroundings.

#2. Tasha joining a cult and being impregnated (while drugged), then having her baby kidnapped by the cult leader Mumma Rose

Home and Away

Tasha joined a cult called The Believers, and as someone who only once used to communicate solely in Pig Latin, this shouldn’t have been a surprise to any Home and Away fans.

Mumma Rose, the cult’s leader and mother of Jonah, decided Tasha was the “chosen” one and must carry Jonah’s baby. Tasha is drugged, falls pregnant and realises the cult is bad news. Jonah is later revealed to be sterile so I can’t remember who tf fathered Tasha’s baby.

Can we also note Tasha’s phone when she’s texting for help?

home and away

Tasha struggles to bond with her baby after giving birth, but everything changes when that damn Mumma Rose comes through and kidnaps the kid.

You can’t trust anyone.

#3. Angie Russell’s storyline: She framed Nick for sexual assault, had the town turn on her, and torched Scott’s boatshed before accidentally being killed by her son Dylan

Image result for angie russell home and away

God where to START. Angie entered the Bay a villain and died a villain. She was the ex-girlfriend of Rhys Sutherland and even told him that her son Dylan was his, but it was all a lie in the end. Sike! She also happened to be the biological mother of Tasha, because that makes total sense.

Angie came in to take the vice principal job at Summer Bay High and sees Dylan fighting with Nick and decides a normal thing to do is seduce Nick, a high school boy, then reject him. After Nick confronts her in the classroom, Angie starts screaming and Nick is framed for sexual assault.

Eventually, the truth comes out (publicly of course) and Angie is shunned by the town, which causes her to act out and burn down Scott’s boatshed and basically make everyone’s lives a living hell. Eventually after a huge showdown at the surf club, Angie is later found dead and it’s suspects GALORE because everyone bloody hated her.

It turns out her son Dylan pushed her after an argument and she fell and hit her head.

Let’s relive her final moments right here, right now.

#4. Robbie pulling his grandfather’s life support and no one really giving a shit

home and away

OK, so he did have to have a trial after pulling the life support (on his grandfather’s wishes). He was found guilty but the judges ruled for no punishment (as you do) and Robbie moved to America with Tasha and her baby.

#5. Martha becoming a pole dancer

So scandalous! The moment when she’s sprung for being such a dirty girl!

Honestly Martha, you work it, don’t let this judgemental town get you down.

#6. When Home and Away straight-up just replaced Hayley with someone who looked nothing like her

Image result for hayley home and away

Seriously, who approved this? And speaking of Hayley and her storylines, why does every Summer Bay pregnancy have a “who’s the daddy storyline?” What is this? Maury Povich?

As we know the meddling Summer Bay stalker swapped Hayley’s paternity tests, but more on that later…

#7. Kim knocking Kit up when they were dehydrated and lost somewhere in the outback

Image result for kim kit home and away

These two were legit lost and about to die and I guess there was only one way to keep warm. This resulted in Kit falling pregnant with Kim’s baby while he was married to Rachel. Of course everything went to shit, but Kim and Kit got their happy ending and moved away with the baby.

#8. Kirsty falling for Kane, the guy who sexually assaulted her sister

Image result for kirsty kane home and away

OK this was so HUGELY problematic but was promoted as though Kirsty and Kane were these star-crossed lovers with meddling families?

Background: Kane sexually assaulted Kirsty’s older sister Dani, and was eventually found not guilty. After becoming stranded on an island (I know, I know) with Kirsty and her mother Shelley, Kane and Kirsty start a secret relationship.

The two have an extremely up and down relationship, which involves cancer, AVOs, marriage, miscarriages and eventually after Kane is framed for a robbery he didn’t commit, they ran away together.

#9. Sally’s long lost twin Miles rocking up, who she originally knew as her imaginary friend Milco

home and away

Sally being Sally, starts looking after a homeless man, Miles, and eventually learns that he is her long-lost brother. They spent the first three years of their lives together and Sally had only remembered Miles as her imaginary friend Milco, until he reentered her life.

What are the odds!

#10. The whole Jade/Kirsty twin Home and Away storyline

OK so earlier on in the ’00s, Jade and Kirsty had this ~telepathic~ connection because they were twins. It even helped when one of them was once trapped in a landslide.

Fast forward a couple of years, and they find out they weren’t twins after all and there had been a mix-up at the hospital! Enter Kirsty’s identical twin, Laura. What a mess.

#11. Cassie dating Henk (even after learning he raped Rachel when she was younger) then finding out she was HIV-positive before promptly being hit by a car

What is with this town and forcing the young women to date men who ASSAULT other women?! The ’00s truly were a wildly different time.

Cassie and her baby survived being hit by a car btw, and went on to leave the Bay with Sally.

#12. And the most important one of them all – the ’00s Summer Bay stalker(s)

Image result for The Summer Bay Stalker

I mean this is a whole post in itself, but will anything ever be as iconic as the ’00s Summer Bay Stalker storyline? It’s hard to beat.

After months of speculation it was revealed Eve Jacobsen, under the alias Zoe McCallister,  was the Summer Bay Stalker, acting in revenge on behalf of her deceased girlfriend Sarah (the one who shot Noah Lawson back in the day). Eve blamed the death of Sarah on Summer Bay residents and decided to seek revenge.

Eve’s terrorisation of the town included murdering nurse Zoe so she could take her identity, burning down Noah’s former house, nearly killing a crew of Summer Bay residents by sabotaging their flight, and two unsuccessful attempts at killing Sally.

Sally summer bay stalker

After many more twisted events (which you can read about here) Eve eventually met her demise at Jack and Martha’s wedding after the barn exploded.

Honestly, we needed Home and Away to bring back a new stalker storyline like, yesterday.