The President Of Iceland Incites Civil War, Declaring He Wants To Ban Pineapple On Pizza

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There is not much else that can divide any given group than their position in the great pineapple on pizza debate. Those that like it, freakin’ loooooooove it. Those against it, will take their stance to their grave.

Having any kind of opinion on tropical fruit on pizza, is likely to incite a whole lotta hate. One man that decided to enter the debate – maybe unaware of what he’s gotten himself into – is the president of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.

When answering questions from high school students last week, the president said he was “fundamentally opposed” to pineapple on pizzas, even going as far to suggest that if he could, he would ban pineapple as a pizza topping.

Oh boy, he just opened up a can of worms.

His position led to a flood of outrage in Iceland and a social media storm abroad, and he has been forced to clarify his stance. In a statement posted on his Facebook page comically titled ‘A Statement on the Pizza Controversy,’ he wrote:

“I do not have the power to make laws which forbid people to put pineapples on their pizza,” said Guðni. “I am glad I do not hold such power.”

He can thank his lucky stars he doesn’t have the political leverage for such a ban, or we could expect an all out civil war over this.