FKN FINALLY: Instagram Update Will Restore Chronological Order To Feeds
Instagram is introducing two new updates to the app, and they’re actually really really good.
Firstly, posts will start preferencing chronological order, rather then showing ‘grams in the order the app thinks each user wants to see via their own algorithm. This change comes after months of complaints from users frustrated with no longer seeing new posts as they happen.
“Today we’re introducing changes to give you more control over your feed and ensure the posts you see are timely,” the company posted on their blog.
Fuck yaaas! In equally exciting news, the company plans to introduce a ‘New Posts’ button to the app, which will give users the power to decide when they want to refresh their stream. This will stop the dreaded automatic refresh when you’re miles deep into your feed, and all your scrolling time goes to waste.
“With these changes, your feed will feel more fresh, and you won’t miss the moments you care about,” they added.
While the app isn’t returning to the original algorithm for chronological news feeds, it will prioritise posts in a more timely manner.
These are some app updates we can all get around. Snapchat needs to watch and learn.