The Bald And The Beautiful. Have We Reached Peak Hair Loss?

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It affects so many throughout Australia, a silent killer….. of self esteem. It’s a problem that once noticed is unnoticeable yet you mustn’t mention it. Ladies and gents, baldness is a big issue that has guys unnecessarily freaking out and a new study shows that we’ve reached peak hair FOMO.

 A celebration of the bald and the beautiful

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German haircare company Alpecin’s independent research today ‘unveiled’ that 20% of single Aussies are willing to give up at least 5 years of their life to live a follically fruitful existence. Yes, if Warnie’s to be believed, those luscious locks really are to die for.

The same ‘study’ found that 61% of blokes report their hair volume contributes to their self esteem while 34% believe that losing their hair will make them less attractive to their potential partners and will have a negative impact on their social life.

But is going bald really the end of the world? We should certainly not discriminate against the follically challenged. Bald people should be able to prosper, it’s 2015 for goodness sake!

Let’s also get real about this, the hair growth industry is mostly a croc and who better to simplify that than ABC’s The Checkout:

In light of this survey, I believe it’s time to celebrate the horse-shoe. If you’re going bald, don’t fight it, embrace it! Bald is the new black and once you go bald… you literally never go back.

Don’t cling onto the last few strands of youth by combing it over the top, get rid of it. Make it work for you. Above we’ve compiled a gallery of inspirations to bald people all over the world. Sex symbols, men of leadership and faces to champion the bald and the beautiful.

images via google