James Franco

James Franco gets schooled by David Letterman

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James Franco might regret making The Interview, but not as much as he’ll regret going on Letterman’s show. Letterman, who’s wrapping up his tenure as a Late Show host and therefore has no more fucks to give, subtly eviscerated Franco this week over Franco’s involvement in The Interview.

The film, which focuses on mocking and then gruesomely killing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, sparked threats from North Korea that they would attack the United States over the film’s release, and more recently, that they would shoot copies of The Interview out of the sky after discovering they were being illegally airdropped into the country. Naturally, both of those incidents put people’s lives at risks. But for Franco, “We made a comedy!”

Letterman later, sarcastically, says “Well, as long as you didn’t get hurt.”

Watch him squirm in the interview chair below.
