Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Settle Their Messy Divorce And Domestic Abuse Case For $7M
The last month has seen Johnny Depp and Amber Heards relationship go through dramatic twists and turns as it comes to its bitter end.
The legal proceedings following their separation saw allegations of scary emotional and physical abuse arise, including video of Depp loosing it, aggressively yelling and smashing items around the house. Further to that, Heard’s legal team claimed that Depp injured her face after years along with a history of physical violence.
In the latest twist, the couple have today reached an agreement, which will see
Johnny, 53, pay Amber, 30, seven million US Dollars ($9.09 Million AUD).
The couple also released a join statement about the terms, telling the media and fans,
“Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love.
Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain.
There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm.
Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity.”
Amber had initially accused Johnny of domestic assault after they split in May and had been granted a restraining order following their split. However, TMZ reports that Amber has now filed court papers to dismiss her domestic violence case against the actor.
The agreement comes just one day after it was claimed Johnny cut off his fingertip in a fit of rage in March 2015 after the couple had a huge argument at a villa in Australia.
It was alleged that during the row, Johnny “smashed several bottles
and windows and also slammed a plastic phone against the wall unit“.
Amber alleged that one of the items cut his finger. She also reportedly claimed that Johnny then dipped his injured finger in a pot of paint and used it to write words including “Billy Bob” and “Easy Amber” on the wall after accusing her of sleeping with Billy Bob Thornton, which she denied.
It was previously reported that Johnny needed surgery on his hand after punching a wall during an argument with Amber. The actor flew back to the US from Australia in March 2015 after sustaining the injury while in the country to film ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales’.