Leo DiCaprio options project on Volkswagen scandal

Leonardo DiCaprio is Producing A Movie About The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

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Forget explosions, action, and romance. Get ready for some totally bad-ass board-room lying. Remember about a month ago Volkswagen was accused of cheating on its emissions tests and telling few white lies to cover them up?

Well Jack Ewing who is the European economics correspondent for the International New York Times is in the early stages of writing a book investigating the scandal. Still not that interesting? Well which Hollywood production company bought the rights to the not yet completed book?

Perennial Oscars bridesmaid Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appion Productions. Could the emissions test scandal be the story that gets ole Leo his long awaited Oscar?

If playing the twenty four different personality’s of a mad man in ‘The Crowded Room’, also produced by Appion Productions, doesn’t net him that Oscar maybe a thriller involving emissions tests, German white collar crime and endless number crunching in pursuit of the truth could?

It’s important to note that DiCaprio is a known conservationist and may want to produce the movie to highlight the affect of corporate greed on the environment. But the race against time to net that Oscar is far more interesting.

Either way aside form a Jimmy Barnes biopic, a movie about the corporate goings on at Volkswagen is surely number one on the list of must see book adaptations.

Best of luck to ya Leo…