lies your parents told you

22 Lies Your Parents Told You As A Kid That You Somehow Believed

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It must be hilarious to be a parent sometimes, raising a tiny human who you can practically tell anything to and they just eat that shit right up. The lies your parents told you growing up might seem innocent at the time but can have lifelong consequences.

This specific topic has blown up on Twitter, with the hashtag #LiesYourParentsToldYou trending overnight. People are sharing the common lies their parents told them that seemed convincing at the time but now appear obviously bogus.

We’ve collected some of the best lies that are all too relatable.

Here are 22 lies your parents told you that you believed:




Still not over this.


This is why I have trust issues.






Thanks for those nightmares, Dad.


But why weren’t they wearing any clothes…?













Big fucking mood.