the bachelorette rose song

LISTEN: The Bachelorette Debut The New Song From Tonight’s Episode, Proving There’s No Hope For Talent In The Music Game

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The group date in tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette centred around Georgia Love and her remaining five boyfriends writing a lame love song together. Only there was a catch, none of them have any talent. None. Zip. Zilch.

Thankfully, if you have bucket loads of money (or contra for TV exposure), talent really doesn’t count for much in today’s music game – providing you have a good producer that’s handy around knobs.

Sure, we’ve all rolled our eyes and questioned the true talent behind auto-tuned chart toppers, but the wonders of modern music cheating technology have never been so perfectly apparent than in tonight’s Bachelorette ep.

Some contestants (*cough* LEE *cough*) honestly sounded like they were responding to a thousand paper-cuts simultaneously slicing through their eyeballs. It was horrendous, offensive and embarrassing for all involved.

But through some computerised magic, auto-tune, reverb and catchy synth, the producer polished up the turd and pumped out a hit. Amazing.

The track itself features beautifully thought out lyrics that were no doubt scripted, rehearsed and planned (to reduce costly studio time) in advance, including:

“Outside my comfort zone, love’s never looked so blind”

“Time to follow my heart, stop thinking with my mind”

And don’t forget Matty’s throwaway:

“From the first moment, you entered my life”

I have just one hope, we’ll be husband and wife”

Smooooth. Not desperate at all… :/

The Bachelorette Facebook Page uploaded their new chart topper and tbh it’s catchy as all hell. Mostly because it unashamedly follows every cliché trick in the book.

If you missed the episode, you can watch our recap tomorrow morning on Facebook and check out some behind the scenes shot from the episode below.

…Here’s the making of the song: