james married at first sight

Tonight’s Absolutely Chaotic ‘MAFS’ Dinner Party Retold Via Funny Tweets

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Holy peanut butter and carrot sticks, tonight’s Married at First Sight was so chaotic it nearly made me miss the 2020 cast. Nearly.

We all know the dinner parties provide the most entertainment for the season, but if the new intruders thought they were going to get well-acquainted with the other couples over a nice sit down dinner, they had another thing coming.

Once again, Bryce took centre stage in a show about his life that no one bought tickets for, kicking off an argument with Bec about a rumour that had been spread about him. This was all to do with Bec saying Bryce told her that he had a girlfriend on the outside, a claim he strongly denied. “I’m probably the most honest person on the experiment so far,” he said, which got a rousing response from Brett who yelled out, “according to who?!”

bryce married at first sight dinner party

The male ego is so fragile.

After Bryce simmered down, James decided to take his turn at seeing how much of a douche he could be, responding aggressively to Jo before trying to do that whole “sleazy old man at pub hitting on much younger woman and not seeing how uncomfortable it’s making her” schtick to Kerry.

The saving grace was the bromance between Brett, Patrick, Jake and their new bro-buddy Liam, and the fact we actually sure some men stick up for the women in their lives.

But let’s not get it twisted: while a man sticking up for his wife and the other women on the table is gratefully accepted, the more interesting thing to note is the other men (Bryce, James) didn’t back down until one of their bros told them they were taking it too far.

And that’s on misogyny!

Let’s get into tonight’s Married at First Sight dinner party retold via the best tweets.

Belinda and Patrick have taken their relationship to the next level – they now talk in duck to each other.

We quickly learn there is a rumour circulating about Bryce having a girlfriend on the outside. Jason pulls Bryce aside to give him the tea.

James has allegedly not gone back to his apartment the night before and Jo is mad at him. We still don’t care about these two and can’t wait to see James off our screens.

Bryce lets Melissa know about the rumours and doesn’t once check if she’s OK. He’s just mad people are questioning his integrity.

As the cocktail party kicks off, everyone speculates about who started the rumour while the camera subtly flashes to Bec each time.

Meanwhile, Booka’s reaction to the new intruders is all of us.

Bec and Bryce get into an argument before the dinner party, and Bec drops the one-liner of the season. “You’re not an avocado, not everybody loves you.”

Bec and Bryce continue to call each other liars at the dinner party, and Bryce goes on a weird tangent about how just because he hooked up with some chick on Tinder before MAFS, it doesn’t mean he has an outside girlfriend. OK, sweaty!

Bryce gets aggressive towards Bec and Jake steps in to defend her honour and tells Bryce off for how he talks to women.

Melissa breaks her silence and admonishes the group for their behaviour before saying they should go back to welcoming the new couples.

Meanwhile James decides to take the lead on World’s Biggest Asshole and we learn that he called Belinda “frigid”. Belinda tells him off and it’s incredible.


Jake and Patrick only have eyes for each other, then eventually Brett, Jake, and Pat invite Liam to join their bromance.

Jo pulls James up on his gaslighting behaviour and he continues to gaslight her, before being a big old creep towards Kerry.