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There Are Some Spicy Rumours Flying Around About Another ‘MAFS’ Partner Swap

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We all know that Married At First Sight is hardly a show that makes you believe in, you know, actual marriage and faithfulness and love and all that crap.

While there are some couples who seem to make it work (Hi Jules and Cam!) other pairings really make you question WTF the experts were even thinking.

married at first sight recap episode 1 experts

Last year’s MAFS saw drama unfold with a secret affair between Davina and Dean, and towards the end of the season a reunion saw basically a bunch of people swap partners and end up with a new spouse. Of course, none of these lasted, but hey it made for some weird TV.

Now with this current season, we’ve seen Ines doing her best to move in on Sam, unbeknownst to their respective partners Bronson and Lizzie, and there’s also another rumour going around about two people from the show dating — except not their actual husband/wife.


Yep, fans are beginning to speculate that Lauren and Mick are actually together IRL.

Married At First Sight Mick Lauren

I think we all need a second to process that information, right?

Image result for this makes no sense gif

OK, now that we’ve let that settle in, the proof lies in the Instagram comments. So, it’s not very secret after all.

Lauren even commented, “Wish I were there” on a post of Mick’s.

Married At First Sight Mick Lauren


And Mick has also been commenting on Lauren’s photos… with the pizza emoji being frequently used.

Married At First Sight Lauren Mick

Is it an in joke? Do they just really like pizza? Who knows at this stage.

Either way, because I’m a trash human I look forward to watching this unravel.