married at first sight tamara djordjevic

Everything We Know About Tamara From ‘Married At First Sight’

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Tamara Djordjevic did not come to play on this year’s Married at First Sight. 

This 29-year-old manager from Queensland is sure to stir up plenty of drama this season. In a promo for the first episode, Tamara proved herself to be a dominant personality. “I love being the boss. It’s just naturally me,” Tamara said. “I am used to getting what I want… I know what I want and what I deserve.”

As far as her groom goes, Tamara wants to be the one calling the shots. “He’ll learn very quickly that I wear the pants in the relationship,” she said. In the same teaser, she can be heard saying at her wedding reception that “You might like things one way and I like them the other way, but my way has to be the right way.”

Tamara has high expectations of her groom. “I judge everyone. I just meet people and I form an opinion.” However in the promo, it doesn’t sound like she’s too keen on her choice of MAFS husband, as she can be heard saying privately “He does seem like an average kind of guy. Average just isn’t for me. I’m not average. I don’t do average.”

So what does Tamara do? She has a lengthly checklist for a partner: she is looking for an ambitious, Alpha male who will not be intimated by her. As she takes pride in her appearance, Tamara expects her groom to do the same. She also admits that she often gets bored quickly by guys she’s dated in the past, so she’s looking for someone to hold her attention.

Tamara has spent the last six years working in real estate and recently relocated from regional Victoria to sunny Queensland to become a business development manager. Tamara owns her own home and prides herself on being ambitious, financially independent, and career-driven. She described herself as outspoken, self-assured, confident, and sassy, with an Alpha personality to challenge her desired partner.

MAFS dinner parties better watch out, as Tamara reckons she will be upfront about telling people what she thinks of them — whether they’ve asked for her opinion or not. Basically, she’s made for this show.