new girl nick miller best moments

The 18 Most Chaotic Nick Miller Moments From ‘New Girl’

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When Jessica Day (Zooey Deschanel) finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her, she does the only responsible thing a 20-something woman should do: she finds three single men to live with instead.

That’s the premise of New Girl, a beloved 2010s sitcom that follows characters – Jess, Schmidt, Winston, and Nick – living together in their Los Angeles loft apartment, often accompanied by Jess’ childhood best friend, Cece.

New Girl features a love story that is the driving force behind the series: the relationship between Jess and the funniest housemate of them all, Nick Miller, played by Jake Johnson.

Nick is a 30-something, wannabe writer who works in a bar and solemnly believes that alcohol is the cure to everything. He doesn’t take care of himself, but from the moment Jess walks in the door, he wants to take care of her. He lives his life – and he falls for Jess – all while bringing laugh-until-you-cry moments to those watching at home (AKA me every night).

Here are the funniest (and most chaotic) Nick Miller moments from New Girl:

1. When he uses food to cure his panic.

new girl nick miller best moments

My UberEats is staring at me as I type this *eyes emoji*.

2. Whenever he’s with Tran.

new girl nick miller best moments

Why can’t I meet a nice old grandparent in a park who will become my best friend without saying a word???

3. When he’s one of the girls.

new girl nick miller best moments

I wish he realised this wouldn’t be a nice feeling.

4. When he understands science.

new girl nick miller best moments

This scene taught me more than my Year 9 science teacher ever could.

5. When he faints when meeting his idol (Prince).

This will be me the day I finally get to meet The Veronicas.

6. When he takes pride in his accomplishments.

We STAN a confident king.

7. When Jess’ dad makes Nick realise his book idea is the same as Twilight.

Tbh, I would still absolutely read a Twilight remake with zombies and wolves instead.

8. When he quits dating women to focus on his one true love: tomatoes.

new girl nick miller best moments

I’ve been growing lime trees for four years and I’ve still never seen a lime. Growing things is hard and I, too, am going to give up on dating to focus on it.

9. And when he’s so excited about his tomato venture that he wants a freeze frame moment to capture it.

I want this freeze frame hanging on my wall.

10. When he understands what ‘rich’ really means.

The tank? All the way up? In THIS economy?

11. When he questions the earth’s terrain.

I just Googled it and apparently there aren’t any official differences??? I’m going to cry.

12. When he tells Schmidt the cold hard truth.

new girl nick miller best moments

The frustration here is unparalleled.

13. When he decides to tell a cop… everything.

I love Nick but this is psychotic behaviour.

14. When he calls Winston to tell him he’s having a panic attack.

new girl nick miller best moments

The amount of true crime Wikipedia pages I read means the cops are really gonna come after me as a murder suspect one day.

15. When he gives Schmidt a cookie.

new girl nick miller best moments

If this hasn’t been all over your TikTok feed for the past few months, then we can’t be friends.

16. When he explains his towel logic.

I… have to go call my housemates.

17. When he makes bolognese.

new girl nick miller best moments

I’ve found the best way to deal with a housemate keen to cook is to just… never ask.

18. And finally, whenever he dances to the world’s best pump-up jam: ‘Cotton-Eyed Joe.’

We could all learn a thing or two from Nick Miller.