noughties y2k nostalgia memories millennial reddit

17 Specific Memories That Only Older Millennials Can Relate To

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Growing up in the late ’90s and early ’00s was truly a time to be alive.

Before the days where our arms were merely an extension of Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, things seemed a lot simpler. Mobile phones were just becoming mainstream, computers were large, clunky, often unresponsive machines, and the internet was finally taking off.

On r/AskReddit, people are answering the question ‘What is something that is so ’90s and early ’00s?’ and the responses will make you feel simultaneously nostalgic and deeply cringe. From the bad fashion, embarrassing jokes and the technological fails, let’s jump back in time!

Warning: The article will make you feel about 84 years old.

17 specific memories that only older millennials can relate to:

1. Legitimately freaking out that when the clock ticked over to the year 2000, the digital world would crumble.

The Y2K bug was something to be feared.

2. The classic stitch-up where you would listen in your sibling’s phone conversations.

Or worse, when a friend called you to get you to bitch about another friend who is actually listening on the same line.

3. When it came to boys’ hair, the spikier the better.

4. Girls would embrace their inner Avril Lavigne and live their best pop-punk life.

Barely there lips and thick black racoon eyes were a real look.

5. Before social media, it was all about instant messenger.

6. Encarta Encyclopedia was the closest thing we had to finding out random info on Google.

Tbh most of my knowledge still comes from that CD-ROM.

7. There was a lot less emphasis on confirming plans, so if you arranged to meet a friend somewhere, you simply had to show up.

8. Everyone — and I mean everyone — used to shout ‘WASSSSUPPP!’ at each other.

Scary Movie remains one of the greatest cinematic achievements of our time.

9. And saying ‘not!’ after making a risky joke was the height of comedy.

10. Layering clothes was out of control. For women, it was about layering singlets tops and wearing skirts over pants, while men would simply wear several polo tops at the same time.

11. Women’s makeup was as subtle as a sledgehammer.

12. Checking the newspaper was the only way to find out movie session times.

13. The only game worth playing on your phone was Snake.

14. Eyebrow piercings had a real moment.

15. As did body glitter and hair mascara.

16. The only way to buy electronics was to be able to see all the wires inside, while blow-up furniture and accessories have never been more popular.

17. And finally, your computer was always a moody little bitch.

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