
Pro-coal video sparks hilarious internet backlash

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Aah, the Australian Mining Industry. Buried so deep beneath their little black rock they didn’t see this backlash coming a mile away. If you haven’t seen the super stylised, sexy ad for climate change’s biggest champion you’re missing out!

Released a few days ago, this Peter Jackson-esque epic takes us through the wonders of the world’s biggest pollutant, one soothing fact at a time. Accompanied by the twee hashtag #coalisamazing, straight out of a Disney stepmother’s handbook on ‘How to be passive-aggressively evil’, this campaign was bound for satire from the get-go.

With some calling it ‘PR Failure of the Year’, the entire operation is sure to have left quite a few of the cigar-smoking, toupee-toting big wigs yelling, “YER FIIIIIIRED!” at some poor newbie lower down in the ranks.

The video has already prompted many responses from the community, a lot who have slightly different opinions on the fossil fuel.

And because the internet works at a lightning speed unfathomable to the human consciousness, there’s already a parody video up online, showing some other facts about Santa’s most infamous gift.

Well, mining industry, if people didn’t think you had rocks in your head already, they sure do now. #coalisamazingonsocialmedia

And also coal is really, really ridiculously good looking.

Posted by Adam Bandt on Monday, September 7, 2015