first dates australia recap

We Ranked Every Couple On Ep 3 Of ‘First Dates’ Based On The Awkwardness

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Last night we were gifted with another ep of First Dates, and with it the chance to vicariously blind-date through complete strangers’ without having to leave the comfort of our couches.

Oddly enough, last night’s dates were probz the least awkward the series has ever seen. Somehow the producers got it pretty bang-on, and the couples were for once super compatible. Good job, guys!

Even despite having a mother/daughter double-date situation, which should send any normal person into a full body cringe.

We ranked all the First Dates  couples from ep 3 from least awkward to kill-me-now:

Josh & Chris

Awks level: Actual soul m8s 4eva

I am convinced Josh and Chris are soulmates already. They are both huge dorks but bloody hilarious. Josh has a cute Pommy accent and doesn’t know the difference between the star sign Capricorn or a capsicum.

Their date seemed super natural and had the two constantly giggling, but they also talked about heavy stuff and seemed to be on the same wave length. No awkward moments at all, which is miraculous for this show.

They even piggy-backed home together, and that’s true love.

Sophie & Dean

Awks level: Just m8s

Sophie is the one that brought her mum on her double date. So make of that what you will. She clearly has some undiagnosed childhood trauma. She got paired with Dean, who seemed to be the male version of her.

They both love tatts, they both love beers and they like saying ‘lol’ aloud rather than actually laughing. They are so similiar, it feels slightly incestual for the two to actually hook up. Lifelong m8s for sure.

Dee & Taite

Awks level: I feel dirty

These two are as superficial as each other, and therefore probz a perf match. Dee loves her ass. Taite loves her ass. Taite loves his six pack. Dee loves his six pack. It’s a deep kind of connection that definitely didn’t just lead to a quick fuck.

Taite already started undressing mid-date, which was uncomfortable to watch. Save it for the seedy motel around the corner, thnx.

Rebecca & James

Awks level: This is painful

This guy. Erghhhh. James the ‘I’m a real estate agent, since I’ve had a job for 2 weeks’ dude is the worst. He was paired with Rebecca, the girl that had never been in a relationship despite being the ripe old age of 18. Shocking.

While James was a little less of a jerk this time around, he still has no clue how to speak to women. Rebecca was way too nice to him, despite him ordering her around and talking down to her constantly. Cringe!

Peta & Zac

Awks level: Leave the mushrooms alone

Peta and Zac made a nice enough couple, but can we not talk about mushrooms like they are dicks. As Peta says to Zac, “I’ll enjoy eating that!” I’m uncomfortable and even the poor mushroom is blushing.

In the end, I think Peta was much more into Zac. But luckily the saucy mum will get another go next week.