first dates australia recap

We Ranked Every Couple On Ep 4 Of ‘First Dates’ On Their Cringe-Worthy Moments

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Roll up, roll up for your chance to experience blind dating without actually having to interact with a flesh-and-blood human being.

Ep 4 of First Dates had us all deep diving into the reality TV show that sets up two strangers to enter a bizarrely artificial restaurant (is the foodz even real?) to decide over the course of dinner if they are soul mates forever.

On tonight’s ep, saucy mum Peta returned for another round of inappropriate sexual innuendo, as two awkward super nerds were brought together to make us all slowly die inside.

We ranked all the First Dates couples from ep 4 from least awkward to cringe overload:

Tommy & Kelly

Awks level: Dumb luck

These two are meant for each other. They both laugh at nothing and seem to find each other hilarious without saying anything. Kelly thinks drinking water is like drinking saliva.

While the date was going well enough, it hit a slight speed-bump when Kelly revealed she’s previously been married. Tommy freaked out but quickly recovered. They were actually pretty cute.

Reggie & Rochelle

Awks level: Tolerable cringe

They are both Fijian-Indian, which I guess for the producers was enough to bring these two crazy kids together. Rochelle is an absolute gem and Reggie is a massive cutie. He might be a little short for her but hopefully she can get over that (heheh).

However, I will never forgive Reggie for faking a ‘No’ response with Rochelle. Not okay dude. Rochelle’s mum apparently carries around a machete everywhere she goes so Reggie better watch his back.

Matt & Stephanie

Awks level: I’m in physical pain

These two cute nerds were equally as awkward as each other. You’d think this would cancel out the awkwardness but nope, their date was excruciating to watch. Between the awkward silences and forgotten drink order, it had me suffering bad-date-PTSD.

Most importantly, they don’t agree on their fave The Lord of the Rings movies so I don’t think it was ever going to work out.

Des & Peta

Awks level: Pls stop it

Peta is one hell of a woman who can insert the most cringe-worthy chat into any convo. When Peta asked if Des was still sexually active, I almost threw my TV into incoming traffic. She then confessed she was a fan of spontaneous nudity. This is bizarre first date dinner convo.

In the end Peta found Des really boring, probz because Des is really boring. Sorry Des. All-in-all, it was a date-saster.