reality TV 2020 australia

14 Messy Reality TV Moments You Probably Forgot Happened This Year

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It’s hard to deny that 2020 was the most boring year ever, which meant that reality TV has never been more necessary.

Many of us (especially Melburnians) have had to spend extended periods of time at home this year, and shows like MasterChef and Bachelor In Paradise have been a godsend. Since the year has felt like it’s lasted forever, there’s quite a few reality TV moments that feel like they happened a lifetime ago.

Like, can you believe that the disgusting toothbrush incident on Married at First Sight was in 2020? Some things we would like to forget forever tbh, but we’re listing all the messiest moments from the year.

Who can say that none of us achieved our goals this year, when we watched this much reality TV?! Let’s jump into it!

14 Messy Reality TV Moments You Probably Forgot Happened This Year:

1. Angela got fake evicted on Big Brother

Angela was the biggest diva Big Brother has ever seen. She argued with BB himself over who owned the house, she demanded tea and she was never without a tube of lipgloss in her hand. In short, she was an icon we never deserved. Angela was so iconic that when she was evicted by her fellow housemates, Big Brother saved her. She spied on the housemates, before reentering the house and wrecking havoc. After she was evicted (for good this time), the show was never the same.

2. The Kitten on The Masked Singer meowed through all her songs

This year’s The Masked Singer gave us some of the most memorable performances to date (mostly courtesy of The Queen) but The Kitten’s tendency to randomly meow throughout her songs was some deeply weird shit. Julia Morris, never change.

3. Laura made a lot of pasta on MasterChef: Back To Win

An All Stars season of MasterChef arrived just in time this year, as most of Australia entered varying stages of lockdown aka being stuck at home for weeks on end. The pandemic paired perfectly with MasterChef being back and better than ever, with three new (sexy) judges and the best cooks the show has produced.

One of these chefs was Laura, who gained notoriety this year for making a pasta dish for most challenges. Laura was even accused of receiving favouritism from Jock, and got a lot of unnecessary hate for it on Twitter.

4. Juliette was a messy queen on The Bachelorette

I don’t exactly know what Juliette was doing, or why she was even on the show (when she could have been talking to TikTok stars?!), but she was always herself and we had no choice but to stan.

5. Ivan was exposed for lying about Aleks on Married at First Sight

This year’s MAFS was all messy drama, but low on genuine love stories. One couple fans had high hopes for were Ivan and Aleks, but their relationship was called into question at a dinner party where Michael and Josh revealed that Ivan had convinced them to ask Aleks probing questions about their sex life.

Ivan had been a favourite among viewers up to this point, so this revelation came as a huge shock. However, not all fans were convinced by Michael and Josh’s story.

6. Alex reunited with his runner-up on Farmer Wants A Wife

Farmer Alex pulled a Blake Garvey when he chose Jess in the finale, only to turn up with his runner-up, Henrietta, at the reunion. He said that after spending time with Jess, he considered her more of a good mate. Viewers were not impressed and Alex and Henrietta split in October.

7. David played everyone on Australian Survivor: All Stars to become sole survivor

David brought nothing but pure chaos to Australian Survivor: All Stars and we would expect nothing less from the Golden God, who made a name for himself on the 2019 season.

From the moment he arrived, he announced he was back for “revenge”. He then somehow ended up as the leader of multiple alliances at once, so he could easily pick off whoever he wanted. David’s fake surprised reaction after coordinating Daisy’s blindside is too perfect for this world.

8. Poh was the queen of chaos on MasterChef: Back To Win

While I was devastated when Poh was eliminated (she was robbed), the MasterChef kitchen became 100 times calmer after her departure. Poh thrived on chaos, spending every challenge either running around the kitchen like some mad hatter or staring into her oven.

9. Osher pretended to be on The Bachelorette

This year’s The Bachelorette was lacklustre in many ways: the sisters were bland, the boys didn’t seem particularly interested in finding love, and worst of all… there was very little Osher. He appeared at the end of the rose ceremonies, but did he really? Fans quickly clocked that Osher was never seen actually standing in the same room as the contestants, so it’s safe to assume his parts were filmed separately and added later.

10. The Toothbrush Saga on MAFS

The shit that MAFS producers will tolerate reached a new low, with what happened between the season’s most toxic couple, Hayley and David. After finding out that Hayley had allegedly hooked up with Michael, David did the unthinkable: he used Hayley’s toothbrush to clean the toilet. It was absolutely despicable behaviour. Hayley called him out at a dinner party, before the couple called it quits at the following commitment ceremony.

11. Roxi left a path of destruction on The Bachelor

Roxi was a rare breed of Bachy contestant, who could start drama out of nothing and you wouldn’t know if she would either end up in tears, or trying to punch a wall when her alter-ego Ronda appeared. From causing a scene at the cocktail parties, to causing drama over Zoom, Roxi was a lot to take in. Eventually, after having (another) argument with Juliette, she walked off the show for good.

12. Brooke got sweet revenge on Flick on Australian Survivor: All Stars

This rivalry was four years in the making, following Flick turning on her alliance with Brooke and blindsiding her bestie in Season 1. They reunited for All Stars and after being put on the same tribe, they seemed to have become friends again. However, Brooke was just biding her time before she could orchestrate Flick’s elimination, by turning the majority against her. Revenge is sweet and this was delicious.

13. The demise of Ciarran’s reputation on Bachelor In Paradise

They say the higher you put someone on a pedestal, the greater the fall. In Ciarran’s case, he absolutely plummeted. Ciarran became one of the most beloved contestants ever on The Bachelorette in 2019. He was charming and hilarious but prematurely left the show following his nan’s passing. Fans were psyched to see Ciarran again on Bachelor In Paradise and for him to get another chance to find love. But we saw a vastly different Ciarran this time, a guy who shamelessly hopped from girl to girl without considering or caring about anyone’s feelings.

I still think about the way he carelessly dumped Jess like he was a 14-year-old boy. The only positives to come from Ciarran’s downfall was the rise of his ex Renee, who used her BIP experience to get over him. We loved to see it.

14. Natasha gave a bonkers toast at the final MAFS dinner party

Nothing will ever compare to Natasha giving a speech at the final MAFS dinner party, where she accused Stacey of cheating on Michael with Natasha’s own TV husband Mikey. Stacey was stunned and predictably denied it all, but it was still iconic all the same, as Natasha told the whole table:

“I’d like to toast to Michael and Stacey for having the fakest relationship in Australian reality TV history. And I’d like to toast to Stacey for fucking my husband on the one month anniversary. Cheers to you, babe.” DYING.

A moment for the reality TV history books. 2021 has A LOT to live up to.