Here Are The Current Relationship Statuses Of Every ‘Love Island’ Couple
It’s been over a month since Love Island wrapped up, the islanders went home and since the villa was thoroughly sanitised (we assume). So how many couples lasted the distance? We’re actually pleasantly surprised.
It’s hard to believe it but Love Island has a better track record than Married at First Sight and we should all feel great shame.
While the winning couple, Tayla and Grant’s relationship was short-lived, it turns out that most of the other couples are still together. I guess spending six weeks pashing strangers in a Spanish villa can translate to true love.
I need to reassess my dating strategy.
Here are the current relationship statuses of the Love Island couples:
Tayla & Grant
Status: Broken Up
We all know this story by now. Our 2018 winners split up a bit over a week after taking home the $50k. Initially, Grant tried to win Tayla back but has since reconciled with the same girlfriend he started with before entering the show.
*bangs head against desk forever*
Erin & Eden
Status: In A Relationship
It appears to be smooth sailing for the second-placed pair. There’s plenty of cutesy posts about each other on their respective ‘grams as they continue to be the smuggest couple on earth.
Shelby & Dom
Status: Broken Up
Shocker! Were they ever really in a relationship in the first place? Who knows. But over the weekend both parties felt the urge to confirm that they were no longer together.
While Shelby says it ended amicably, explaining that they live in different states, her singlet top seems to be saying something different. Oh, the shade of it all.
Millie & Mark
Status: In A Relationship
This one is a bit more unexpected. Millie and Mark knew each other for around two minutes in the villa, and even though they left together we hardly expected things to work out.
But NOPE. They’re together and even made it official with this totally understated posts below. Err.. good luck to them?
Amelia & Josh
Status: In A Relationship
We didn’t have our hopes particularly high when Amelia went to Bali following Love Island, rather than stay with her forever soul mate match Josh.
However, since she returned they’ve posted a bunch of cute pics together, and we’re confident we’ll be getting wedding invitations via email any day now.