15 Funny Tweets About The Hectic ‘SAS Australia’ Premiere
After months of promos, SAS Australia kicked off last night, with some of Australia’s fave celebs attempting to complete a Special Forces selection course designed to physically and mentally break them.
Proving to be a ratings success with 1.194 million viewers, the premiere saw viewers get introduced to the 17 famous Aussies which included the likes of Schapelle Corby, The Bachelor’s Nick Cummins, The Bachelorette’s Ali Oetjen, and Love Island’s Eden Dally.
The first episode challenged the contestants with crawling through mud, falling backwards out of a helicopter into a freezing cold lake, hiking while carrying a 20kg military issue backpack, before then having to face-off in a boxing match with one another. It was… hectic.
It’s clear from the premiere that Corby is the reality show’s biggest drawcard and she’s actually a formidable opponent. I never thought I’d be rooting for Schapelle Corby to be the last woman standing on a reality show in 2020, but here we are.
Here are the funniest tweets from the premiere of SAS Australia:
Undisclosed location, in the middle of nowhere, opens up his laptop with full wifi ?? #SASAustralia
— kozi (@zokstarrr) October 19, 2020
Drinking game: have a shot every time Schapelle Corby talks about prison life. #SASAustralia
— Kris (@krisworld1983) October 19, 2020
Schapelle Corby is the only one who has hope in surviving this show #SASAustralia
— Nicole (@NicoleGray01) October 19, 2020
Might as well call this the fucking Schapelle show #SASAustralia
— Matt Longridge (@longbag11) October 19, 2020
Lol if you’re an interrogator who doesn’t know who Schapelle Corby is you’re probably not very good at your job?! #SASAustralia
— Joel Creasey (@joelcreasey) October 19, 2020
Will Schapelle answer questions without her lawyer present? #SASAustralia
— Peter Morton (@petermortonidau) October 19, 2020
With all of these water drills, I’m surprised Schapelle Corby didn’t bring her boogie board. #SASAustralia
— Jamie (@VertexJDU) October 19, 2020
Honey badger being described as “here for the right the reasons” is hilarious to me??? #SASAustralia
— Lachlans Land (@lachlanhaswll) October 19, 2020
Probably good that honey badger didn’t step up. If they asked him to choose who to fight he might have chosen no one again. #SASAustralia
— Jules (@Arusha77) October 19, 2020
Roxy is like “I don’t want to give up”…. then gives up ??♀️ #SASAustralia
— Tea Nutts (@teanutts) October 19, 2020
Somehow Roxy Jacenko has come out of this show with less credibility that when she went on…. granted was only 6 hours ? #SASAustralia
— Jackson Eldridge (@jacko_eldridge) October 19, 2020
Roxy Jacenko using the words 'grit' and 'determination' to describe her effort was hilarious. #sasaustralia
— Chris (@Chrisfallen) October 19, 2020
Shapelle started with nil credibility and has gained more. Roxy apparently had credibility, according to herself and now has nil credibility. #SASAustralia
— HipGyp (@gyp_hip) October 19, 2020
Watching #SASAustralia while having pizza and beer saying doesn’t look that hard ?
— Benny Bee (@BatemanBen) October 19, 2020
This show is a proper nightmare and I will obviously watch every minute #SASAustralia
— Franko (@_thebruz) October 19, 2020
SAS Australia returns tonight at 7:30pm on Channel 7.