send delivery groceries

We Put To Test The Delivery Service That Promises Your Groceries In 15 Minutes

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When I got emailed about a new delivery service SEND that vows to send you groceries in 15 minutes or under, my competitive instincts were naturally awoken.

“Bring it on,” I thought to myself. “I will prove you wrong,” I said as I downloaded the app. “I bet it’ll take you at least 17 minutes,” I whispered viciously as I started figuring out what groceries I needed to collect to prove this app wrong. Toiletries? Baby supplies even though I know no babies? A pumpkin?

I decided to put in a relatively modest order with necessities and some treat purchases: I definitely needed some vegetables and I’m a huge sucker for any Health Lab treats (especially their Lamington balls). Browsing the app, I ordered something from most categories to really make sure I was getting the most bang for my buck.

Feeling satisfied, I put in my order, keeping a close eye on the time: 11:12 am. I must admit, I had no faith the order would get to me by 11:27 am.

So imagine my surprise at 11:23 when I got a call from SEND’s delivery person saying they were out the front of my apartment complex. I was so unprepared, I was still in my dressing gown.

The future truly is here! And yes, I did order a huge pumpkin and I have no idea why!

Here’s how it works:

SEND is Australia’s first exclusively online, delivery only supermarket that promises your groceries delivered to you in 15 minutes or under. After downloading the app you can browse all your usual groceries, flicking through the sections like ‘fruit’, ‘vegetables’, ‘pantry items’ etc. to stock up on everything you need, from the comfort of your own home.

Perfect during the lockdown months but also when you forget that one staple pantry ingredient when you start making a big fancy dinner (or, you know, the usual chicken and veg before you realise you’re out of olive oil). SEND basically provides Aussies with an out from the usual chaos of supermarket shopping.


The whole process of using SEND was beyond easy and dare I even say it… kind of fun. Browsing the app was effortless, I could find most of the items I needed, and the total cost was similar to what I’d spend in a supermarket anyway. And, of course, it was all delivered to my door in 12 minutes. Technology these days! We love it!


So far SEND has only rolled out in certain areas of Melbourne and Sydney, but the team is hoping to establish 30 new locations by the end of the year.

The only other thing worth noting is you may find some items a tiny bit more expensive than what you would buy in your usual grocery shop (e.g. you’re not picking up the cheapest Woolworths brand of frozen berries) – but sometimes convenience (and sudden craving for Health Lab’s lamington balls) comes at a cost, baby.

Now, if you have any pumpkin recipes to send me, hit me up.