There Are Severe Wet Weather Forecasts Across Australia And We Did Not Sign Up For This

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Apparently, instead of the summer sunshine we want and deserve – we are going to be hit with storms and rain and a shit time all across Australia-  sooo I guess this weekend is cancelled.

Is it too much to ask that we just have a nice dry, sunshine filled weekend? Is it??? Well, old mate Weatherzone spokesman Thomas Hough dropped the shitty news on Nine News and it looks like we’ve just gotta buckle up because there’s a storm comin’.

No one will be spared, every state is going to be wet and wild with the thunderstorms hitting over the coming week. Feck.

The storms are coming to SA and WA, ASAP while over in NSW, QLD and VIC we have a bit of time to savour up the sunshine and warmth before the rains set in this weekend.

This is pretty poor form for mid-November ‘summer’ weather and I’m just going to say, Global Warming can really suck hey. Y’all better be recycling n’ shit because this is not the kind of summer forecast we are keen on seeing more of. Ok?

May the weekend be full of prosperous Netflix binge-watching and naps.