18 Memes About Social Distancing That Are A Big Mood RN
Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, we’re currently living in a pretty scary time of uncertainty.
Yesterday Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned Australians that we have a tough six months ahead of us, enacting an international travel ban, a ban on small inside gatherings of over 100 people and restricting visits to aged care facilities and remote Indigenous communities. While these provisions won’t affect all Aussies, one rule that he heavily encouraged will: social distancing. The PM pleaded for people, when outside of their home, to stay 1.5 metres away from others at all times.
These new rules will no doubt change our daily lives but it’s essential we still find the funny in life and therefore keep making/sharing what keeps this planet spinning: memes. Thankfully, social distancing memes are here and they are a huge mood — and mood booster.
Here are 18 social distancing memes that are a big mood:
Mom sent a picture of how their street is socializing pic.twitter.com/NsDxMyAGXt
— caveheraa (@caveheraa) March 17, 2020
@barstoolsports @BarstoolBigCat @PardonMyTake my dad texted the neighborhood dads for social distancing beers tonight. Electric performance pic.twitter.com/eP3dlzn7dQ
— Gary McCabe (@gary_mccabe_) March 17, 2020
Me and two my brain cells one week into social distancing pic.twitter.com/4Di4HdiAoI
— Clarissa-Jan Lim (@clarissajanlim) March 16, 2020
Day 25 of me chatting with me, myself and I during my self-quarantine and social distancing pic.twitter.com/EQ3yqTyYux
— Viet Tran (@viethoaitran) March 14, 2020
When you still want to see your friends, but play it safe. #SocialDistancing pic.twitter.com/0TKt7UFhYm
— Nicholas Ferroni (@NicholasFerroni) March 18, 2020
Social distancing in three iconic photos pic.twitter.com/mNU7qDxAi3
— denise (@dvnisemck) March 18, 2020
Social Distancing World Champion pic.twitter.com/5rSso4KFDI
— Men's Humor (@MensHumor) March 18, 2020
Me, an introvert, learning social distancing is the only way to stop the corona virus: pic.twitter.com/s0gX0nZdxm
— Anna Rasmussen (@arasmussen918) March 11, 2020
I slept 14 hours last night absolutely locked and fuckin loaded for a big day of hand washing and looking out the window
— Blair Socci (@blairsocci) March 15, 2020
Introverts watching the whole world forced to stay indoors due to Corona virus while they've been doing that for years#Covid_19 pic.twitter.com/JdbHugacoL
— no name (@kmh_1992) March 12, 2020
Moment of silence for the people who agreed to live with shitty roommates because they "wouldn't be spending much time at home anyway"
— Kyle ? (@KylePlantEmoji) March 15, 2020
quarantino pic.twitter.com/OAciijUoDF
— Look at the parking lot, Larry! (@refocusedmedia) March 16, 2020
Day 2 of social distancing. Saw a picture of my bf as a baby. Cried at the thought of what it would be like to hold that baby. Then? Got horny for him as an adult. I’m not going to come out of this in a good place.
— Mitra Jouhari (@tweetrajouhari) March 14, 2020
'Social Distancing' pic.twitter.com/U39S7xDc8C
— Medic (@MedicCasts) March 18, 2020
.@taylorswift13 invented social distancing. pic.twitter.com/xMIineYLEX
— Capital (@CapitalOfficial) March 18, 2020
social distancing pic.twitter.com/JuJFdhd7hk
— out of context turkish critics (@turkishcritic) March 17, 2020
Libra: I'm social distancing
Also Libra: *goes on Instagram live* So I just wanted everyone to see what I'm wearing, still looking better than you hoes even as I work from home, anyway, I will be giving a poetry reading tonight for the next 4 hours— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) March 18, 2020
There is going to be a lot of pressure over the next few days to talk to friends and family. Fight it. Stay positive.
— Tim Dillon (@TimJDillon) March 13, 2020