Soon you might be able to live in the UK, NZ or Canada without a visa

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Imagine a commonwealth with undefined boarders. Commonwealth travellers would have a new realm of travel possibilities, which would not only have political, social and economic benefits for all countries involved, but a strong educational value for travellers too.While a hazy dream for many, The Commonwealth Freedom of Movement Organisation (CFMO) believe it’s possible and are taking an active stance in making the dream a reality with a recently released petition.You’ll find the recently released CFMO petition for the advocacy and promotion of legislation on, which will allow for the free movement of citizens between Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand:

We propose that the governments of the aforementioned countries finalise agreements (and inevitably, legislation) which make it possible for citizens to move freely with no restrictions regarding work permits or visa controls.

Accompanying the petition is the CFMO’s pledge for free movement, which explains the benefits of undefined borders between the four countries. The CMFO explains to petition signers that freedom of movement will advance cultural growth and historical, economical and political connections that are already shared through commonwealth ties. The freedom of movement idea has been likened to that of the European Union, due to the unique relationship and socio-economic bonds held between the four countries.

Freedom of movement is already a growing global ideology, as proven by the European Union, and now four countries of the commonwealth have the ability to follow suit.

To make your mark on travel history, head to and sign the petition.

Words by Lexi Manatakis