
Cutting The Fat: New Study Ranks The 10 Most Overweight Industries In Australia

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 Obesity in Australia is a bloody big problem, and one which has more than doubled in the two decades preceding 2003 according to the The Medical Journal of Australia. Turns out our beer guzzling, meat-pie eating diet mixed with an increasingly laid back culture isn’t doing us many favours, with a government report last year finding that 2 in 3 of us are now overweight while 25% of kids are classified as obese. These bleak stats are worsening year on year.

The trend is a massive concern when you consider the big fat cost this adds to our already burdened hospital system. Obesity is a huge contributor for cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions and some cancers. It’s certainly not something to proud of…

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has today released a new report commissioned by Jenny Craig which ranks Australia’s fattest employees as a percentage of each industry.

The news isn’t all bad. According to NewsCorp, blokes working in ‘accommodation and food services‘ were the healthiest with 45.7 per cent overweight or obese (still nearly half ?) . Rates of obesity among women were far lower with the healthiest industry being ‘professional, scientific and technical services‘ with only 39.8 per cent of workers overweight or obese… again still not amazing, but we’ll take less than half the workforce as a win.

Jenny Craig dietitian and spokesman Jenna O’Hanlon says,

“The most alarming statistic is for males aged 45 and over who work in sales. Six in every seven people in this category are overweight or obese.”

So how does your industry stack up against the others? Here are the top sectors letting down our battle against Australia’s increasingly worsening obesity problem ranked by the percentage of employees classified as overweight.

The Top 10 Sectors With The Most Overweight Or Obese Employees (Male/Female)

1. Mining 78.2%

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